plants tolerant of soggy ground

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

I am planning on doing something with a part of my yard that is soggy some of the year, especially like the summer we just had. We had so much rain that this area stayed wet. I am interested in perennials if anyone has suggestions. Thanks, Robbie

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

Sun or shade?


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

You might check this site and get some ideas too...

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

This particular place is in the sunny part of my yard. I have another place that isnt as soggy as far as i know but it is extremely close to the water source so it may be wetter that i think at the root system. I would like to have plant suggestions for both sun and shade. Thanks, Robbie

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks Brugie for that site. I saved it to favorites so i can check into what i can find for future reference. I still have to clean out the areas for planting before buying any plants. I just like to do my homework before going into all the work. A friend of mine is a master gardener and gets me some plants that are thrown away by the nursery she works for. I will have to get her to find out if they have some of these plants. Thanks again, Robbie

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

How about swamp hibiscus, mexican petunia (I have this growing in my pond along with everywhere else), canna, white butterfly ginger (also growing in my pond), paprys, elephant ears (also growing in and around my pond), Joe Pye Weed, horsetail reed, and iris (also growing in my pond).

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I am in zone 5b in central Ohio. I have a flowerbed that is in full sun and is under water in the spring and when it rains heavily. Sometimes it turns into a very narrow moving stream!

Usually by mid-summer it has dried up and has huge cracks in it (my soil is heavy clay). This year we had so much rain that it stayed soggy all summer.

Summer highs are in the 80's and 90's. Our summers are humid but nothing like yours I am sure. In winter the temps can go down into the -20s. Through trial and error I have found these plants to survive and even thrive:

Japanese iris
Obedient plant
Aster 'Purple Dome'
Aster 'Alma Potschke'
Swamp milkweed
Queen of the Meadow filipendula
Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
Siberian iris
Narcissus poeticus
Variety of daylilies
Lobelia syphilitica
Daisy 'Becky'

I know there are more but right now I can't think of them.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Don't forget Joe Pye Weed...

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Poppysue, I did forget Joe Pye Weed. LOL Thanks for reminding me!

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the information. One thing a friend of mine told me is that canna lillies do well in boggy areas. She is a master gardener and so i moved some canna's to this area today. I do have more to move and will do so this weekend. I will probably get some of the plants mentioned soon. I worked all day outside in the yard planting bushes and perennials and look forward to the spring so i can see the fruits of my labor. I will take pictures and send them as time goes on. hehe, Robbie

don't forget blueberries
the best place i know to pick wild blueberries my feet are wet all day

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Most of the Persicarias do well will wtter feet rather than drier......Houtynias, gunneras, Lobelia Cardinalis, even some grasses(Juncus)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Land plants that I grow in the pond are daylilies and Japanese irises. I also have a canna in the pond but it isn't doing so well.

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Someone told me that canna's like wet feet. I have transplanted a few of them to this area that gets wet sometimes. I also moved some mums to this area because i needed a place to put them. They may not make it but that is ok too. I have some bushes that i just planted there but i dont remember the name of them. I was told that they liked to have a wetter area to grow in. I will post the name of these bushes as soon as i know the name of them. I dont have much of a memory. I maintain the story that my memory went on vacation and never came back. LOL Thanks, Robbie

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

someone told me that hydrangea like a lot of water and can take 'wet feet'. I don't have any personal experience with that ...


Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

As time goes on this winter i may be able to get some and plant them there. THanks for the suggestion. Robbie

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