something Jersey, or Jersey something

Vancouver, WA

I bought a tomato plant this year and lost the tag :( It had "Jersey" in the name and was a small, very sweet tomato that looked like a tiny Hermiston melon when it was green. Best I've ever tasted! Please help.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

The only variety with Jersey in the name that I know off hand is Jersey Devil, but that's a long red paste tomato.

A quick look at back SSE Annuals also shows

Jersey, red, small plant, 3X 4 inch fruit

Jersey Giant, red, fruit shape similar to Jersey Devil

I only looked for varieties that had Jersey as a the first word. Since there are about 4,000 varieties listed it would take more time than I have right now to go thru all of them. Sigh.

Since I don't know what a Hermiston melon is that didn't help me too much in determining either size or shape.

And you didn't share with us the color of the fruits, which also might have helped me search since the listings are by fruit color.


Vancouver, WA

Carolyn, thanks so much for your effort. Sorry I didn't give you much to go on. The tomato is an orangy red but is slightly striped when green (Hermiston melons are striped. They are about the size of a ping pong ball but just slightly elongated. Again thanks. Shary

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