Thumbergia Battiscombia starting again

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

This Thumbergia got a slow start and was only putting on maybe one or two blooms at time. It seems to always have at least on bloom open everyday. I saw these this morning and thought I would post it so all could see. I think its getting ready to put on a bunch of blooms at once. The other branches or vines look pretty much the same way......

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

This is a gorgeous color. If you get seeds, I would love the trade for some or do a sase. It is great! Lou

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

One of my favorites!! Gorgeous color and when full of bloom, it can't be beat. Thanks for sharing. It is lovely.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Hey Willow please put me on the seed list to if you get enough.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Here they are this morning and there are about 5 open blooms on it now..........If I get seeds I will share. But so far with any blooms it's had, there have been no seeds..... :o(

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

This is another shot closer up and you can see the center better as well as the bud that will be open tomorrow. This really is a beautiful bloom and next year I would love to have a wall full.......

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

And this is a side view of the same bloom.....there are more blooms and buds under leaves.....I am really inpressed with this plant, it is so pretty and dosen't take much to keep it blooming once it starts.

I am wondering how long it will bloom like this. Maybe it will have cycles of blooming and then stop awhile...This is my first year to grow this one in particular, so I don't know yet.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

too pretty, I think I have worked out a trade for that very one, if so, I pray it does as well as yours. Just beautiful!!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Oh it is so beautiful. Does it root easy? Maybe I can talk you out of a few cuttings if it turns out you have to cut it back for winter. please let me know if you do.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

That is beautiful! How big across would you guess the blooms are? Mine bloomed 1 little bloom for the first time & it was TINY, like 1/2 inch across and it never really opened all the way. I am hoping it is just because the plant is young and small.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

They all seem to be about 2.5 to 3 inches across....I don't know how old this plant is I bought it back in June it was about 18 inches tall.........

I took one of the stems off and gave it to Moonlighting and she has been able to get it to root. This was a couple of months ago........

It took it awhile to root and she got in a big hurry and went and bought her one. The next day she found the roots on the one I gave her........LOL

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

OK, then mine must just be a baby still. Good, I was thinking that if that was it, then maybe I was not so gungho about it! LOL
Thank you for letting me know.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

WW, this is what we call 'Mercer Blue' in the trade.
Do you find that it is not a true vine but more of a bush?
I'm going to get my GF to take some cuttings off of hers & try & root them. You say it takes a couple of months? Oh, well, that just means I should have roots & flowers by spring, right?

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Based upon my research it seems that this "vine" does not produce seeds...

Smockette - you are correct - this plant does not really resemble a vine....on my plant the stems grow very long, appear quite heavy and are subject to dreaded kinking if not supported. Also noted that it does not "twine" on its support so far - but maybe will later?....

Laurrie - this is indeed the one you are getting from me! Matter of fact, it is the infamous cutting from Willow that took over 6 weeks to root (6 weeks is too long in my book) have another cutting that has not rooted yet (it was started at the same time as yours) but it is least I know the time-line now for these particular rootings.

As soon as the winter cold hits Texas I am cutting mine back to start cuttings.

The flowers on this plant are indeed striking - the color is SOOOOO vivid. Also, this plant is very trouble free - just feed and water regularly and it will reward you....(Ü)....

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Pam, Yippee, it is soo pretty!! Well it arrived here yesterday and looked to be in wonderful condition. Thank you so much, it is already potted up and in the front window, I don't dare put it outside now it would kill it, winter heading my way soon here lol.
I will keep you posted!!! I think it will do just fine as I sais arrived here in wonderful tip top shape!!

edited to say, sorry, it was not what I received yesterday, duh! I got something from Onalee, but this one will be coming anyday I am sure, had to go look at the list of my trades again to figure this one out, it is similar but not quite the same one. sorry!!

This message was edited Nov 5, 2003 10:21 AM

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Boy, that cutting should be eligiable for frenquent flyer poor baby is so impatient.....hada go buy her a big one and get blooms right now...yall shoulda seen how much she was drooling when she came to look at mine......ROFLOL...

Breezy, I sure hope it does as well for you as the mama is doing for me is full of blooms this morning and has many more it will open in the next few days......
I fettilized it and the brugs Sunday with Alaskan Fish Emulsion........see if that gets me more blooms.......
I haven't fertilized as much as I normally do because we have had so much rain. Wonder how much better it would have done if I had..........
Keep us posted on the cutting.......

This Photo is this morning.........

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Nice photo Dee!! I look forward to the one coming from Pam and Pam I will email you as soon as yours gets here LOL

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

So, have you seen the orange one? Thunbergia Gregorii. I just ordered 5 of them. Brilliant orange.

For what it is worth, I have cut my blue one back every year when I bring it in the house for the winter. It seems to grow back better each year. I put my cuttings in perlite in a 1 gallon aquarium. Right now it is full of mandevilla and allamanda cuttings. Anyway, my perlite is about three inches deep with about an inch or inch and a half of water in the bottom. I just take 5 or 6 cuttings and stick them in the aquarium, put the lid on and turn on the light during the day. Most will root. It can be done with a jar and a plastic bag too. Until I was told how it would work, I had way to many failures. Now I can root just about anything. Have fun!!

This message was edited Nov 5, 2003 8:56 AM

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Brugie - OHHHHH, that orange one is very pretty!....good price for it too!...I book-marked that link.....wondering if I should buy for posting it.

Laurrie - should be getting any day -I mailed it out Monday....

Willow - your mouth will be watering when you see that vine I'm gonna get from Katie....I am waiting a little while because it wasn't blooming when I went - she is famous for selling me stuff that is not what it is supposed to

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Can't wait........when you gonna go get it?
What is it?.............

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Bleeding heart vine....can't go today - sick baby at home.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Moonlighting::: It arrived!!!! so please tell me just so I get this straight in my head! Is this you sent me Thunbergia Battiscombia? or am I losing it???

I got cuttings from Mollybee before of a perennial blue dawn flower, and for awhile I thought this was same thing, now I am lost...please help with identification. LOL

ps It arrived and looks wonderful. Thanks Pam!!
How's the rose looking??? please say you think it will make it!!

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Pam is probably I will answer and she can make any corrections necessary.....
The cutting she sent your is.....
Thumbergia Battiscomb "Mercer Blue".......there is another that is simular called Thumbergia Grandfloria I belive. I think that one is what is commanly call Blue Sky Flower.....

The photo below is of one I saw at a nursury in Kemah, Texas. The flowers are the same basic shape and size but are a much lighter blue and a few of the petals are a little more pointed.....Does yours look like this?

Since I have started growing this and the Black Eye Susan Thumbergia I am finding there are many varities of this plant.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Laurrie - the cutting you have in your hand is indeed "Thunbergia battiscombie" - you are not losing it yet! it is identical to the first one Willow posted in this thread.... here is a link in PD -

UH, this IS the one you wanted right?

edited for clarity.....

This message was edited Nov 5, 2003 6:11 PM

Thumbnail by moonlighting
Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Also, it is different than the blue dawn flower....

The rose(s) are looking good so far, thanks for the trade....(Ü)....Would have sent more cuttings but I only had the one rooted, the other one is spoken for.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2003 4:27 PM

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Pam, he he, YES it is what I wanted, I just after reading this thread and then the other trade for the other perennial blue one, I got to thinking, geez, now just WHICH one is THIS. It looks great by the way!!! And I am so tickled to have it and you were such a dear to send me the rooted cutting, now I just have to keep it alive and not smother it with too much love!!

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

lol....your welcome.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I got my plants today. Thunbergia Gregorii (5) and Soapwart (2) from Mountain Valley Growers. They are about three inches tall and bushy, one has begun to vine about six inches and the soapwart are nice little compact plants too. The company didn't want to mail to me at this time of the year, but I convinced them that I would be responsible for them and if they didn't live, I'd re-order in the spring. I needed some of these for a gift. I'm very pleased. They mailed on Monday and I had them early afternoon today. They do a great job of packing too. Shipping is a little high, but they came Fed Ex and I guess that can be expected. I wanted the Thunbergia's badly enough that I would not have complained about the postage.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

That intense blue and the orange really got my attention, thanks for the link, Brugie.


Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for letting us know about this company Brugie....and good luck with the little ones....

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks. They are still looking good. No sun for a few days, but after that, they should take right off.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Brugie, Yes that orange is a pretty color!! I hope they do well for you!

And so far Pam he heh, my plant you sent is looking wonderful, I put it back in water like you suggested and it has lots more roots, so now I am thinking I am going to pot up soon!!
Thanks again

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Thats great news Laurrie!....Wishing you luck.

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