
Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

When I was growing up, white-painted tires were commonly used as planters here in Ga. My bro. works at a tire co. and can get me all the lg. tires {from tractors and semi's} that I want. I will be putting veggies and flowers in them next yr. I will paint them, too. I had mentioned this to a family member and was told they're tacky and red-necky!!! What do you all think? My home and yard are not junky and they'll be out of sight. I personally think they look nice painted, plus they're free!!! Anyone out there use them?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I did once a long time ago. I decided they were just not worth the effort to mow and trim around.

Painted or black they to me were quite ugly most of the year.

They did work quite well when I planted potatoes in them and kept stacking them up.

Then came the day I tired of the tires and took them to the dump where I paid to throw them away.

It's your choice if you want tires they will work for your purpose but you may want to consider how to dress them a bit? regards Ernie

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I think these are very pretty.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Berrygirl.. I have such mixed emotions about tire planters. (And, I'm afraid I may have offended some people on the thead tcfromky started about the Felder tires.)

I grew up in the South where tire planters were a sign of 'trailer trash' and still have a hard time shaking that impression. I have to say that the photos TC posted belie my beliefs, though. They really can be quite attractive and God knows, we have too many tires in the landfills.

Poor as I am (and will probably have to end up living in a trailer for mere survival), I cannot imagine tire planters in my yard.

There, I've said it. Smite me, LOL. (You did want opinions didn't you? This is just my prejudiced opinion.)

This message was edited Mar 11, 2004 8:46 AM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thats ok darius, we still love ya!!

My mom had one of these when I was very very young. I don't know what ever became of it... I know it was gone by the time I was teenager. I'm going to have to ask her.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the input. When I was growing up, I only ever saw tire planters at little old ladies' homes, including my grannys. Mine will be in the BACKyard out of sight. I saw the photos and am not artistic enough to do anything that nice with them but I still want them. I thought of painting them green and using plants that will spill over the sides and sorta hide them. BTW Darius, I lived in a mobile home the first 10 years of my marriage and have only been in a "house" the last 3 1/2 yrs. My mom lives in one now b/c she can't afford any better. I know you weren't suggesting that all folks who live in MH's are ''trailer trash" and I don't want anything to add to that unfair stereotype that folks from other parts of the country have about us Southerners. Thanks for all the comments and I'll let you guys know how they turn out. I hope to buy a digi cam. soon so I can post pix on the BB.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

berrygirl.. Thanks for atking my comments in the light they were intended!

And, no I don't believe all folks who live in mobile homes are 'trailer trash' LOL. Probably just a small fraction... the eyesores on the highways and back roads, but those could be stick-built homes as well.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Darius, imagine my shock when I went to your homepage and saw in your picture that you were a lady! I am sooo sorry but I thought you were a guy!! I had you pegged as a 30-something male.You don't look like a Darius! Am I the only one on this BB that didn't know that???? I feel like an idiot and this just goes to show how our pre- judgments can be so wrong LOL!!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Berrygirl, that's why I am considering changing my name on DG, Darius is really my LEGAL name, but it confuses people more often than not!

Yes, our presumptions and our judgments are often wrong... I guess it's all a learning lesson. Like Trailer Trash.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Berrygirl (et al), you have just given me the answer to my most worrisome problem. I do container gardening because I can't dig or walk steady. (The double AA's: Arthritis and Age) *grin*. Having raised beds of tires along my fence would be the perfect answer. Since the new Krylon paint has come on the market in spray cans, it would be no trouble to make them a dark green and have trailing plants around the edges. No one can see into my back yard, but I think when I get through with them, they won't even look like tires! This new Krylon paint for plastic, etc., is the BEST. No priming, just spray. Covers any color. I have painted everything but the dogs, they are perfect as is. LOL
PS: I have only found this paint at Wal-Mart

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Patischell, I am so glad you found inspiration in this thread! I also want to thank you for the tip on the paint. I can't wait to get mine painted and planted. I wish you much luck with yours. What are you going to plant? We'll have to post our pix when they're ready! I am sooo excited b/c this is so much easier and faster than building more beds. I have a back problem so I can sorta identify with you in trying to find easier ways to garden.Do you have a source for the tires?

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

This is going to be FUN! My fence is very long and is partly shaded at one end, full sun at the other, so I will choose my plants for their preference. Most of my larger containers are round, and so crowded now because I keep sticking broken pieces of plants in them and they grow! Our "spring and summer" season is from October to about May or June. I am new to the area and am curious as to what will survive the heat here. I have 35 Coleus coming this month so I have to make sure I have enough shade area for them, also my Caladiums. I guess I will wait until October to start my Impatience, Petunias, etc. If you go to any tire store they always have a rack of old tires for sale. I sure wouldn't want to put them on my car, but they would work fine for planters! Somewhere on DG I posted a picture of my Coleus. If I can find it, I'll come back and post it. Don't know how to link it.
PS: The Krylon paint for plastics, etc. is FUSION. This is what the spray can says:
The no-prep, superbond paint (True)
Dries in 15 minutes or less (true)
For use inside and out on all plastics (true)
Also great for wood, metal, ceramic and more (true, true, true)!!! I love this paint

PPS: Check out the great tires on the Photo Forum!!!

This message was edited Mar 13, 2004 11:31 AM

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