passion vines

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i have 6 different passion vines that are not hardy to my area, zone 5, and i need to know just how to keep them alive during the winter in the greenhouse is almost done(thank goodness)but the price i paid for these i wanna keep them in the house since this will be my first winter with the g/h and i dont want to lose them...any advice is greatly appreciated...:)


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Give them as much light as you can... and cut back a little on the water. Some of them are easier to bring through the winter than others. I'm not the best one to advise... since I always loose a few through the winter.

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

well i think that the ruby glow has not made was still nice and warm when i got them and i let them be soon as it started to get chilly(40 degrees@nite) i brought them in.....if the red does not make it, that will be second one that i have offed in like about 3 months....what is the deal with the red or what is the deal with they be better off in the greenhouse? will be done by the weekend...but i also will have plenty of light in the house...crossing my fingers and toes..:)


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I believe that ruby glow and quadrangularis are somewhat tropical. Mine are still doing okay, but I live in North Florida. The vitafolia seems a bit hardier than the coccineum. And the vitafolia is a pretty red. Have you tried that one?

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I bring mine inside in bright room/sun. Cut them back, but not too far, or you'll never see them again. I'd guess mine are 2' to 3', or taller, mostly have new growth on tips. Watch very close for spidermites or gnats when they are in warm rooms in winter, some grow up to top of windows. I have lost so many Coccinea(red). The Alata Ruby Glo never has enough growing season here to bloom. Have had mine going on 4 years.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

I got a large red in full bloom
from our Farmer's Market last year. Bloomed & looked beautiful for about 2 months, on
a Thursday it look good, Friday
it was wilted & on Saturday it was DEAD!!! I dumped the soil out to see if I had bugs, no bugs, still don't know why it died so fast (not sure which red it was).


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