Sweet Potato Vines

When is the best time to get these & where is the best place to find them? Our lowes,hp,& walmart don't ever carry have them-maybe they just go fast.

Mesilla Park, NM

Lowes has them all the time, also, ask the manager at lowes if they could order you some, they will if you want more than one (and the time of year is right), they ordered Staghorn Ferns for me, they said that if the interest is there and someone requests them, they will order something that is not normally ordered.. if you know anyone that has them, you can root cuttings very easily.. I don't know how cuttings hold up in the mail because they wilt so badly without water almost immediately or I would send you some.. Also, they do form tubers, maybe someone has some to trade, I don't know if there is a plant exchange here, I am sure there is, I just haven't gone to that forum yet.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I've got a ton of "blackie" if you would like some for sase. Some cuttings, some are rooted, they root where ever they touch the soil. It did great this year even with the flood. You would have to overwinter them inside. I think I might have some of the margarite too.

Just drop me an email if your want some.

Beverly Hills, CA(Zone 10a)

jody, you've got mail!

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