What should I do?

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I have a snail vine and I have it in a pot, I put it right beside a trellis and over the summer it worked its way all the way up and in and around every possible place it could.
Now, How can I bring it in for the winter?? Should I cut it back and just bring in as much of it as I can or should I try and take cuttings? I have no idea on how to take cuttings I wouldn't know where to cut or how big or long to cut a cutting.
I am at a loss as to what I should do here.
I want to keep this vine and would love to have it again next year.
Someone please tell me what I should do to save it!

O and I have the same questions about a Butterfly Pea, Blue Pea Vine
Clitoria ternatea . Only it is planted in the ground and it is wound around and around a curley wire. Which there is no way of getting it off all in one piece. Any help on this one??

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


I got my Blue Pea Vine this
summer, I was told you had to grow it from seeds. I have been
waiting for my seeds to ripen.

I don't have Snail Vine, but have read post about rooted
cuttings for trade. So it seems
they can be rooted. If you do take cuttings, I would love to trade this spring for one. Hope to have my trade list update by spring.


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Yea my blue pea vine made a couple of seed pods, but the vine is soo big I hate leaving it out there and starting over again next year.

If I figure out how to do the cuttings and I manage to get some to root, I'll let you know later.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


Sad to say, I bought my Pea Vine
in a small hanging basket. I
did not really know that it would get large, so it is still
in the basket. I do have a few seed pods that I check daily, none are ready yet. I notice today the stem looks kind of woody, seems like it should root. If my seeds ever ripen, I may try a cutting or 2, just to see!

Let me know about your cuttings,
I love success stories.


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Will do honeybee

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

unfortunatly Molly it will not come back in our area. i left one out last year and it didnt come back. i believe its considered an annual here.

i did find this on cuttings

Propagation: Clitoria ternatea is propagated from seed and by cuttings. To start seeds, soak in water 3-4 hours before sowing. Seeds germinate in 7-14 days. Cuttings root readily in moist sand or vermiculite.

hope this helps some.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


Thanks so much for the info on
Pea Vine. I will try to root some this week.


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Thanks!! I too think I will give it a try this week sometime. I so want to have it next year and I just didn't get as many seeds as I had hoped for. So keep your fingers crossed for us and maybe between Honeybee and I we will be able to have some plants next year.

Hows about making a deal with me?? If you get yours to root and I don't can I get one for postage? That is ONLY if you have a extra one. If I get some to root and you don't and I have a extra, I'll send it to you??
What do you think?? Who knows we both might get lucky and get them to root....then we can offer them up for postage or something. ??

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

okay if you get one to root i want one.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

LOL you got it imzadi.

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Butterfly pea vines do not overwinter outside so they need to be started from seeds next year.....

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


You have a deal. Please remind
me, I have been having a lot of"CRS". I even have trouble finding all my notes to my self. Do you think it could be "Old Age"??? Na!!! Just to many notes.


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Yikes! I was hoping you could remind me! LOL With both of us trying to remember....we just might remember! LOL

I have sooooooooo many notes to myself as well, I have to leave myself a note to leave myself a note LOL

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