Creeping Charlie

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I just read in this months OG magazine of a measure to kill Creeping Charlie.
Take 1/4 cup borax (20 mule team boraxo) 2-3 teaspoons ivory soap in 1 gallon of hot water. They say it kill the CC and doesn't hurt other plants.

Anyone ever use this method? If so how did it work?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Paul, I'll pass this on to my customers. Many of them are swamped with CC!

Did OG say to apply it as a foliar spray, or a drench?

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

They said to spray it on.
If anyone has any luck with this please post.



Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Sounds some I can experiment on this week.I'd been soooo lucky and had none,but I dug up some plants at DH's Grandpa's homeplace and low and behold....instant CC!

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Let me know how it works.


Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

As a kid I always thought Creeping Charlie was sort of a pretty little plant. But, alas, it can be quite invasive...never tried to wipe it out.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I saw the same recipe, and made a note of it. We've had a terrible time trying to eradicate it; as soon as I know I'll have a few dry (and somewhat warm) days, me and my pump sprayer are gonna a little party in the side yard...

"They say it kill the CC and doesn't hurt other plants."

'tain't necessarily so!

While the trace element Boron is essential to the plant health of many, too much causes chlorosis and associated problems. CC is also not the only boron sensitive plant.

A series of Boron applications in drier areas will see a bigger build up of Boron in the soil than in regions likely to have lots of rain but they too can gain a soil build up. Many plants will begin to suffer from Boron toxicity with numerous applications and it's saving a bank of problems in years to come.

Just something to consider.

Chico, CA

Is the creeping charlie that you all are speaking of, the same as what I have as a beautiful hanging plant? They sell them in the stores here in California as hanging plants...and call them Creeping Charlie...Emtnest

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