watering plants in a greenhouse

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

We are putting up a GH for the winter. Watering questions are now coming up. What is the best way to do this as we want a auto system. It will have both pots of plants & seedling. Should we install regular sprayers or something that only puts off a fine mist? If Mist any idea where we can get them as Lowes or WalMart didn't have any.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm still at the point of hand watering, but personally, I think I'd go with a drip system, to keep down the problems associated with too much moisture on leaves.

Glen Arm, MD(Zone 7a)

Use 1/2" header hose and run laterals down every other row of pots. On a 4' table I run 5 laterals 1' apart,that would give me 5 lines then every 12" I insert 4-18" sections of spagetti hose. On the end of each spagetti hose I put a 2" piece of the excess header hose to use as a weight.
This way I can put 1 weight to each 4 1/2" pot, 2 to each 6" pot and 4 to each 6 1/2" and up. All the laterals are the connected to a main where I can use valves to control what tables I want to water. Works even with hanging basket rails. Run until water comes out the bottom of the pot.
Seedlings I would continue to hand water. I would only mist for cuttings and cooling down in summer.
You can use a small nail the diameter of the spagetti hose to make a hole in the header hose and it will heal over and make a tight seal.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Any Greenhouse supplier has all the goodies.
Just got a catalog from RIMOL (1-877-746-6544), call & I am sure they will send a catlog.
We got some watering stuff with the used greenhouse last fall. We have 3/4" plastic hose with small hoses (Like Jake mentioned), all along. We used on our hanging baskets, worked great! Each small hose has a heavy end that can be turned on-off & also keeps it in the pot.
Also have a sprinkler system in one house. There are 6 zones in a 20' X 88' greenhouse. They are made by Dramm Corp. & we bought them from L & G Products, PO Box 1174 Storm Lake IA. 50588. They have a nice catalog too.
These things beat dragging a hose around!

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

you may want to check Peaceful Valley Farm supply at 1-888-784-1722 or check on line www.groworanic.com

I got a good price at a local supplier that services the berry farmers then found the one above after the fact as usuall. You know the program buy high sell low.

Haven't put it in my gh yet as I consider it theraputic to do it by hand but I love it for my hanging baskets and buried under ground for my tomatoes and peppers.

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