Fan Inflated Poly

Weatherford, TX(Zone 7b)

Anyone doing the 6mil fan inflated this winter? This will be my first winter with this and I was wondering how well it will hold heat.My house is 12x36.Im zone 8 and want to over winter tropicals.Little does my DH know he will still have plants in our house cause I dont put all my eggs in one basket!!

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

In your zone I would think you'll be fine with the heat, specially if you have sunny days throughout the winter. I'm zone 5a and use the double poly with a layer of air inbetween. All you'll need to worry about is the really cold nights. Now if you're wanting your plants to continue growing you might have a problem,,,but if you're wanting to keep them alive during their dormant period I think you'll do fine. Zone 8 is almost tropical,,in my opinion...what I'd give to be in zone 8!!!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Weedlady I know little of tropicals and don't know how you intend to store your plants. A friend of mine starts and grows veg starts in his 30 x 90 house using a minimal amount of heat in really cold times.

He also uses black drums filled with water to help out at night.

If you don't need your entire space to be warm you could put a single poly tent inside. I read that is how some people in New England are growing enough salid greens to sell in the winter. Hope this helps. Regards Ernie.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Weedlady, my g-house has had the double-wall/inflated sheeting for 5 yrs now. I wouldn't do it any other way. I'd go for it if I were you. You'll be fine.

I also do something similar to eweed's suggestion: I hang plastic "curtains" (using left-over plastic) and isolate a corner of my g-house and just heat that part. (Saves on fuel!)

Edited to ask "Did you find a good deal on the g-house plastic? I'm hoping to recover mine this month".

This message was edited Oct 14, 2003 12:33 PM

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Shoe, that that they had on the Good Deal? thread had some greenhouse poly. Don't know how their prices measure up, though.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Skyeblu.

I get their catalog in the mail!

And, by the way, just checked their website (not nearly as easy to cruise as DG) and their prices are pretty good!

Thanks again!

Weatherford, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi Shoe,sorry I didnt get back.We got our poly last spring and I really dont recall how much the price was but I do know it was 70.00 to ship.Summer came and we just let go until now.I have learned of a nice guy in a town 60 miles away that could have been better for me.Its really hard to get anyone to talk about greenhouses around here unless you want to spend 20 grand.Geez I tell them its a hobby and they take it as a threat.You real greenhouse growers must work hard !!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

So Weedlady, you're up and running now? Poly on, inflation fan, and ready to roll?

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