My testy, but happy schefflera

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

My schefflera seems to be absolutely happy and content, but it hasn't grown in about 3 years. Not at all. I got a new cluster of leaves on it when I pinched off the top cluster in effigy...but that's it. It's only about 10" high right now, so it's not like it's just reached its full-grown potential.

Does anyone have a suggestion of what could be wrong?

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

What saized pot is it in? They will dwarf themselves if in to small of a pot. Also I keep mine outside in the summer where it gets afternoon shade but good light until about noon.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I have 2 scheffs... one with the very large leaves, and one with small leaves. Both are re-potted every year in late spring when I put them outside for the summer, and show new growth over the summer. I water them frequently in the summer, and keep them in the sun for only about 4 hours a day.

My scheff with the large leaves is pictured here.

Thumbnail by darius
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you repot them into larger pots each time or just change the soil?

Ashville is a lovely little town and thanks for taking the time to visit the Welcome Mat and welcoming me to DG.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I re-pot in the same pots as a rule, but depending on the size plant I want, I do sometimes go to the next size pot. If using the same pot, I trim off the sides and bottom of the rootball before repotting with new potting soil... remembering to add broken clay pots in the bottom for drainage.

I don't know if it makes any difference (except to my wood floors!) but I also use a drip saucer that sits off the floors so it gets good air circulation all around as well as keeping my floors from staining.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)'s in a 6" pot. It seems to have plenty of room. It gets to hang outside in the summer also. I had it in a bigger pot a year or so ago, because that's what I also thought the problem was, but it did nothing. It's in good spirits, but it's not progressing at all. Here's a picture of the little bugger.

Thumbnail by frigid75
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Certainly not getting enough light inside, from the photo.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

That's not where it usually is, just the best spot to take a picture using my horrid web-cam.

It gets a lot of light...I usually have it by my sliding patio door with a western exposure.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Soulnd like what I do to take a decent photo!

So, it gets enough light... and the pot is okay. What do you feed it, and how often when it's inside and when it's outside?

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

I just feed it standard plant food...liquid. 10-15-10. I don't feed it often though. I guess I've just heard too many people go off about root burn and how easy it is to get it too strong. Maybe I should just take a chance though, and maybe go about half strength. That could quite easily be my whole issue. Do you recommend any particular food?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I usually use a fish emulsion on all my house plants, at about once a month or two over their inside sojourn . I'm out of it at the moment so cannot tell you the NPK numbers. It seems to me (a novice at understanding NPK) that a formula with a higher middle number is to encourage plants to bloom, whereas a higher first number encourages plant growth above ground, and the third number encourages root growth.

Maybe some expert here will comment.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

Thanks. That's a start at least. I've always just been so worried about burning the roots and such. I guess I'm probably just paranoid.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

No expert here. Sorry. I use osmocote on everything potted-except cactus. I have multitudes of hangers and am just too lazy and pressed for time to try to remember anything once a month. Everything, including my variegated scheff, do very well on it. I wish I had not fed DD's china doll though. It has gone from a 99cent plant to waist high a very short time.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

I hate to sound totally ignorant (although I am) but is osmocote a brand, or is it some kind of plant food alternative?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

It is a brand. Looks like little balls. It is a timed release plant food ie: every time you water more of them dissolve. It makes my plants under the hangers very, very happy.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a), when I water my plants I soak them through and then depending on the plant I keep them partially moist or let them totally dry out and do it all over again. Will that throw off the timed release plant foods? I'm afraid it will all desolve too fast.

I'm worse than a new mother, aren't I?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Your watering methods shouldn't affect the timed-release plant foods at all. Just think of timed-release food on plants outside (even in pots) and how much water they get at times from a heavy rain... and how they dry out when it's dry.

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

Good point senor. I shall take your advice and feed my starving schef. ;-)

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