Mum's the Word...

MERCER, PA(Zone 5a)

After a very wet and sunless summer in NWestern Pa, the glorious array of mum colors is a most welcome site. Here are some of the 1,600 mums that we grew this year.

Thumbnail by SILLYLILY
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

What a lovely sight it must be. Mums are such a welcome colourful plant in fall, when other things start to fade.
So have you sold most of them?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

So Beautiful!

Pine City, MN(Zone 4a)

Aren't those gorgeous! It's so amazing how many colors there are.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Amazing shot!!!So healthy looking!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous Fall colors to remind us of the changing of the seasons!

MERCER, PA(Zone 5a)

Starzz......not all are sold! They are just coming into full bloom this week. We do not force their bloom period. This weekend, we sold about 400.
Thanks everyone for your kind remarks. They are very healthy and beautiful despite our less than ideal growing season. It is a joy to walk outside and just stare at them. It does one's soul good.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Sillylily..I've always wondered why the Mums we buy in the fall don't come back..but the ones we buy in spring will come back year after year. Can you shed any light on this?
Thanks Carol

MERCER, PA(Zone 5a)

Carol, all the mums used to be sold as "Hardy" mums. Now you will see these same mums listed as "Garden" mums. That's because so many fail to winter over. Indeed, mums are perennials, but they are quite tender. Your best bet for winter survival is to plant mums in the late spring or early summer in a well drained sunny area. Don't plant too deep. The mums root system will be established before winter sets in. Buy baby mums from a garden center in June or July and you will have a good chance of winter survival. Also, mulch with 6" of straw after the ground freezes in the fall. Remove the mulch in early spring. Good Luck !

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info Sillylily..

Waterbury, CT(Zone 5b)

I need some assistance with my Mums and Aster plants. I planted some last fall, and had 3 of 4 grow back, one grew in very VERY spindly, with only three or 4 branches, the other two grew back with many branches but it looked like stalks shooting straight up, tall and very unattractive, not the rounded plant I remembered from last fall. How are these plants grown from year to year in a perennial garden?


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


I used to grow about 70 varieties! Miss the old farm.. its too wet here, but I keep trying now and again.... need to do containers!

Bowling Green, KY

I grew about 2400 mums on black fabric and emitters going into each one. This was about the 5th year I have done this. I have mixed the colors in the containers the last 3 years and have had alot of success selling those at the farmers market. I try something new every year to see how it sells. I put spikes in the middle of my larger pots this year.
They were a big hit. Do you have any suggestions? I have to try to do something that the big stores don't have.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, this fall I saw 5 colors in one pot. It was nice for the color and would have made a nice table arrangement.. Just needed a pot cover.
Was about the size of a half bushel.

I've cut the flowers off already, the derned thing did not make it to Thanksgiving, but hopefully it will grow in the garden... just needs a little more time in the pot to get some roots and I will plant it later...

Good idea on the spikes.

Will have to think on this, you could sell them in the bushel baskets, that seems to be popular, other than to put sevearl kinds of perennials and fall annuals in the big bushels, Im dry for ideas right now....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, thanks to the kindness of my buddy Leo, I have about 30 bushel size yellow mums to get in the dirt before the snow flies on Wednesday....probably will be all labor for nothing, but worth the try... There are 3 different kinds....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Close up of bloom on line...its called a Belgian mum, Ozenda Orange... was wondering at the time why they called it an orange when it was so blatantly yellow....heres the tag.. to which I thought was an error.. but....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, my mums from Leo as yellow as they were when I first got them.....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

End their season.. OZENDA ORANGE!! ... ok, I get it.. the tag was right from the git go...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dontcha just love it when they do that.. I love yellow mums that take on that pinkish lavender hue or go orange! That was a grand surprize!

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