
Nanaimo, BC(Zone 8b)

I just planted a 3 t 4 foot lilac bush given to me yesterday. does anyone know if I should do any thing special to ensure it will take. I am very new to gardens so have lots to ask please bare with .

Basically, Lilacs require full sun and a well drained soil in order to bloom well. They are pretty tough shrubs once established. They do appreciate a bit of lime in the spring if your soil is very acidic. Expect powdery mildew under cool moist conditions which will discolor the leaves. You can spray with a preventative fungicide, but frankly I find its not worth the trouble. Once your lilac flowers, try and remove as many seed heads as possible, this will make the plant put energy into forming next years flowers and hopefully more of them. Never prune prune your lilac in the fall or spring (prior to bloom). Lilacs form flower buds on old wood and you would be cutting off all of your current years potential flowers. If you have to prune the best time to do it is while its in bloom or immediately thereafter. For the first year I would make sure its kept well watered and go easy on the fertilizer. Lilacs are very hardy and rarely require winter protection although a mulch is always beneficial. Don't plant your lilacs in the shade, they won't bloom.....Good Luck!

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