The "Dove Tree" Davidia involucrata???

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone know anyone who has this tree or how I can obtain one? My mother wanted this tree forever and I've never seen it down here. Thanks

God Bless


Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

I saw it in the Forest Farm catalog. They also have a website. Good luck

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you Lalady :-) I'll go look some more

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

wayside has one for 150.00 they must be a little pricy!!! But it did say it would bloom in a shorter period of time than usual for this tree. I think I saw seeds for it in Jelleto's (spelling) catalogue, but don't remember for sure.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow, lol that isnt good, alittle too pricey for me or my mother. I was thinking about helping her purchase one but when I tell her this lol...she may agree, NOT! lol Thanks for the info Alice :-)


Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Forest Farm has them in one gallon size for $19, tube size for $12.95 and five gallon for $49.

They sure are a pretty tree. I wish they were hardy in zone 6.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone for your help, Ok when my sister gets out of the hospital I'll tell my mother or maybe I'll surprise her with this one for her birthday...My sister is diabetic and is in and out the hospital every other week. So I'll even be in and out while she's in there. God Bless and all be praying for my little sister. She has 2 children...and she's in very bad shape. 32 years diabetic type II

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Annabelle, I will pray for your sister and her children. I'm quite sure your Mom would love this tree as a gift.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you Ponditus, I believe in prayer. It comforts me and all of yours will be too. It has already in many ways helped. Yes mother is in need of something too to cheer her up. Ya know? She told me once that her grandmother, who passed many many years ago...said that the day her grandmother right before passing away, a dove came to her window and landed on the window seal, then flew away. She passed on. She said my grandmother was just a little girl and was orphaned after that but thats all she remembered about her mother. This Tree I have to have and will find. Thank you so much for the prayers :-)

Julieanne aka ABG

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Forest Farm will send you a nice one I am sure. I have had good luck with their plants.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Ponditus!!!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

You are welcome! :>)

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