I found dozens of baby slugs this afternoon.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I found the first 2 in the soil of a potted plant when I moved it to its permenant home. So I decided to start looking under the pots in that area. They were all over the place! I picked them out of the top of the soil under the pots, scraped them off the bottoms of pots, etc. Had some garbage to burn & added them to it so I know they won't harm anything else. Now I know I must repot all the houseplants before I bring them inside for the winter and somehow kill the eggs and remaining slugs in the soil. I've thought of pouring boiling water over it(will carefully remove all earthworms first of course), bake in the oven for an hour or so, or just dump and drive and let the *^#*@& eggs hatch and move into the adjoining field to ruin the alfalfa. Worse yet is that I now know a raised bed is infested with them. How to kill them out there is a moot question. All the plants will receive a good soapy/ammonia bath to kill anything on them or their roots.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Leaflady, Mollybee had the same issue. Sluggo or Escar-Go! are what I would recommend (see the link to Mollybee's thread for links to sites to purchase these products over the internet). Safe to use in the gardens around kids and pets and it will get rid of them for you.

Here's the link:http://davesgarden.com/t/392995/

This message was edited Oct 1, 2003 9:07 PM

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