Albizia julibrissin "Summer Chocolate"

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Going to try this one more time, since the last time was under a less obvious topic title.

(Thanks for posting the thread, though, Carena.
This was the post which finally made me pay to try out DG. I'm glad I did.)

Does anyone know where these are available? I've been trying all summer to locate one for a specific project, and I'm going to have to go with something else soon if I can't find it.


Black Diamond, WA(Zone 8a)

The website says that they are exclusively there.Maybe he's right.

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

There are other nurseries that I've talked to who claimed to have sold out their stock when it first arrived, so I know it's been around...

Al's has one left! Now I just need to find someone in Oregon that I can send to go buy it for me!

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