
North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Happy Fall All! Somehow it makes all this hustling and bustling and researching and delegating to inside, the geenhouse, the garage, under eaves, or just to heck with it --let it survive or not--a little easier to take doesn't it. Now it's seems legitimate even if we are still watering out here on the not wet yet coast.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

It's a wonderful time of year - my favourite. The light is quite special; although there is an ever diminishing amount of it. Cool enough to make you use all the blankets but warm enough for outside work during the day. Well, somedays. Today it was windy enough that my seed pods might have ended up in Lilypon's yard if I was harvesting. Trees down, leaves down (more mulch for me) and a sense of urgency that just seems to help get me motivated. Hope everyone is having a great autumn.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Well, we have finally had some rain....only not enough to fill any reservoirs!....just enough moisture to be ground aborbed!!! Busy as a working fool, back and forth and back and forth, in and out of the least to was a hot day here today! 95 in my greenhouse?? But, yes, I have to join the rest of you happy gardeners and say, definitely Fall is a great season...I was born in it. I should really take some more photos of the garden tomorrow!! ta ta.....E.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

There is a sweet feel to this time of year. Days (some)
are warm but you can feel the change in the air. The
hot ones are precious know they aren't going
to last. Best of all the wasps are disappearing as are
the mosquitoes!

jagonjune...your seeds can blow my way anytime.

AND the nights are so cool you can wear your warm
pj's and sleep!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

lily, you are right in saying,,, can sleep comfortably now! my grand-daughter said to me today...oh boy, we can have a fire and cuddle up, snuggy-buggy! out of the mouths of Babes! Baba Elaine

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