
Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

My hyacinth bean vine is growing like mad, but no flower buds yet. I have been cutting off the shoots that have tried to cling to my hanging baskets and windchime. Should I have been leaving them alone? Do the flowers form on these or off of the stems?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hyacinth beans are much like morning glories. they do run and off the runner they do flower. i will undo their little runners off the other palnts what i call their hanger oners. but i never cut my hyacinth bean back. if you are talking about the hanger oners like thin green spagetti things then cutting them should not hurt the plant. if its any thing else then you are cutting off something it needs. just basically let them run up a trellis or fence and let them be. mine are flowering now and i am in Sc/ Ga border. hope this helps Imzadi

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay then, I'll let it eat my house. lol! Thanks imzadi :)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

they wont eat your house. hehe actually they might. hehe

mine just stay on the fence if they get off i put them back on.right now the moonflower hyacinth bean and pink lemonade are living with each other. nice colors too. just keep them off the other plants and they will be okay. imzadi

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Mine guard the house - when people try to open the fence they whack back and hit people. A bit startling when the vines are almost "sticky".

They tend to grow abut 8-10 inches above the fence and when they're balanced in the air seems to be when they flower - quite pretty. I have a 3 foot tall fence and they're like pillars at the top of the fence. The attack ones on my chain link fence haven't bloomed yet, but that fence is 5 feet tall and in a bit more shade.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Well mine are growing up the column of my front porch, so if they have to get 8-10" above the support to bloom then I'm in trouble! lol They can grow up all they want, but they seem to want to branch out. And like you said, attack people. DH thinks I planted kudzu. lol

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

they dont have to be 10 ft. mine are more like 6 ft and blooming. yes mine like to take the ocassional whack too. hehe at least these die . kudzuu i think you need a bomb to kill. hehe they will bloom. if you need extra seeds i have plenty just give a yell. imzadi

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks imzadi, maybe there's hope yet. If it doesn't make flowers then (if I'm insane) I may ask for seeds again. lol

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