Fast Growing Tree's

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I need some suggestions for some Fast growing flowering tree's to use for privacy. I would appreciate any idea's. I live in zone 9 N. Calif.

Thank You, Patricia

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Fast-growing trees are going to get large and will not give you privacy after a few years. Any tree that grows fast does not all-of-a-sudden stop growing at 15' or 20' and most fast-growing trees continue their fast growth for a number of years before finally slowing down.

You should look at medium to large coniferous or broad-leaf evergreen shrubs if you want privacy.

If you need "instant" privacy then you should put up a fence.
My .02

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

We need a little more information to help you. How tall/wide do you want them? Do they need to have nice full lower limbs (like conifers, for instance) to ensure your privacy, or are we talking just trees with big rounded heads?

What's your soil like? Can you water them in properly for the first 2-3 years? How big is your lot (to ensure trees are properly sized and sited)? Will they get enough sun as they're growing, or are there large trees around that will shade them and slow down the growth?

If you can be more specific I'm sure folks here can be of help.

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

Fast growing trees usually have weaker wood, its my experience so far. If its a protected area they won't get wind damage as much. You might want to consider that.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

What I have seen of fast-growing trees is that they are also short-leaved and weak-wooded (i.e. they drop a lot of limbs and are brittle if a strong wind comes along). You might consider putting some vines in there on a trellis or fence instead. Vines will grow much more quickly than trees and will provide you with the privacy you want. Then you can put some trees or a hedgerow in front of that if you still want it. Something else to consider is the amount of space you have for the plants (i.e. if it's a narrow space, vines would be a better solution than trees or shrubs since they wouldn't have to be pruned back to fit within the space).

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

If you want low maintenance, for your area Nerium oleanders
would flower for most of the year for you. They are evergreen. They come in white, several shades of pink and red. They can be trimmed as a high (or low) hedge or grow to full size, which vary with varieties.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I want to thank you all or your idea's. Unfortuntaly we just made an offer on a different home. It is actually the one I wanted, the other was the one my husband was leaning towards. But I appreciate so much that you all took your time to answer my post. Thank you so much.


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