Plant pouches

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I didn't plant this, I found it locally. Very reasonable (read cheap.) This is an awful picture of Streptocarpella, lots of them, in one of those plastic pouches. When I got it I really didn't think it would fill in enough to cover the green plastic. But like everyone else, in the spring I'm helpless when I see new plants.

Thumbnail by Liz
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

is there a medical name for this disease. I know I had around 6 or 7 hundred bedding plants that we started and somehow I still found myself at garden centres buying stuff and then saying where am I going to put it. Will have to be more disciplined/organized this year - LOL

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

You started 6 or 7 hundred bedding plants? WoW! What did you seed?
And yes, it's called gotta-have-it-itis.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Now that plant is available here...what a neat presentation.
Gots to buy me one of those pouches!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

It has reached epidemic proportions. I didn't get some things planted that wre held over last fall to plant this just seemed to be all I could do to water, feed, and deadhead for about 2-3 months. but even today I bought 3 fall fillers. Organization is tough whn you are at the whim of the Big Guns! M. Nature.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

very ordinary things liz compared to your tropical paradise. Lots of impatiens, browalia, morning glories, mexican fiesta vine, 2 or 3 types of amaranthus, 3 or 4 celosias (my current passion in annuals), tithonia, mexican sunflowers, plume grass, purple millet, datura, mimula (2 or 3 types), ursinia gold (never again), black pansies (a really great producer and as black as I have ever seen a flower), snapdragons, 4 types of fuschia (the deep purple and rose colors were my favourites), geraniums, cosmos pied piper (not again), wave petunias, fantasy petunias, eucalyptus, fuschia, sapiglossis (loved these will definitely do more next year), lots of begonias from saved bulbs,gazania, a type of trailing clarkia (loved it), lobelia (several kinds), tomatoes, corn, broccoli, rapini, squash. I'm sure I have forgotten quite a few; but you get the picture. The place was a zoo from end of February until end of May when they had all finally gone to their permanent summer homes.

I have a friend who says - you can do that sort of thing when you're single. You don't have to negotiate the use of the space. He's so right!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

OH my! and you did all this without a gh? I'm impressed. Some of these I haven't even heard of. What is Mexican Fiesta vine?

I don't have a tropical paradise ~ but I have learned to finally pay attention to the stuff some places call houseplants. Houseplants are tropicals.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I'll try to get a pic of the vine tomorrow if it is pouring rain so you can see it. Its kind of cute.

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