seeking re-blooming iris for postage

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Anyone have "Imortality" or other re-bloomers for postage?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I just ordered this one from Suttons's.... It's on their $1.75 list. You might want to check out their site. I've heard very good things about the quality of their iris rhizomes

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Poppysue. I'm trying to find some for an early b-day gift for my Mom. Shhhhhhhhh...... ;o)

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Knoxville, TN

I have the old fashion purple iris,but you have to wait till fall to separate them they grow wild down here.
My grandmother had a Iris garden I worked in as a child
she had any name you could think of,They all had beautiful names and colors.I acn send you some his fall too.I have about 35 hust in my yard alone in big clumps that need to be split.
love herblady

Knoxville, TN

Sorry guys the old mini stroke is causing ,
me to not be able to spell.I meant to say 35 each
and I can send you some this fall.I know you guys understand,so I will not stop writing it's good for me!

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Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Cool, KHT! I e-mailed you. Thanks so much for the offer on the purples, Herblady; I have an aunt that just gave me oodles of blue/purple iris from her yard and I'm having trouble finding spots for all those fans as it is! LOL! Oh, how I wish this rain would dry up for just a few days...and that the soil would warm up so my poor little annuals can start growing. Sniffle. I should be very thankful for this rain, actually!

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Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Karma -

They arrived today - Thursay - and looked wonderful. Thank you soooo much! I'll get a check out in reimbursement of your postage. My mom was so delighted when I told her what they were!!

:o) Kimberley

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