no clue here maybe you can help

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i went seed picking off the side of the road today. hopefully not agianst the law as it was near some ones property.

any way i got some orange like cardnial wine seeds and something else caught my eye.

it looked like a moonvine. no flowers or i would have known right off. the seed pod looks just like a moon vine. the seeds look like a moonvine. now the difference is::::

the seeds were black instead of white and the vine it self had like thorns on it but were not pokey in any way. i have heard of the pink moon vine you all talk about but have never seen the vine. this was the only place on this stretch of road these were. was on this guys property line.

i picked some and looked at some pink moonvine (japanese one) and the seeds look the same but just a bit smaller.

does anyone know by chance? if the seeds werent black i would swear it was a white moonflower with fake thorns but have never seen a moonflower with thorns either. thanks for any help. gonna growone myself and see in the spring. maybe it will be something i dont have yet. thanks Imzadi

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Ipomoea setosa has soft spines... I don't know what the seeds look like.

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