Hops Vine in Zone 3a

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I have an unsightly fence (100'x 6') and would like to grow a vine that would cover the whole thing up...sort of like an english garden (beer garden..lol). Has anyone had experience with this vine and what would I use to support it?

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Deb, I know hops are grown here in the Pacific NW as a crop, which they have just harvested. They retrain the vines each spring and then cut them down to harvest the hop 'cones' and then they regrow every summer. I don't know if they would be evergreen either. I don't know if they would be hardy for you either. Here is a little information.
A virginia creeper or Boston ivy would work on your fence.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't think any of the above vines would be evergreen. What material is your fence. I am very happy with my one Humulus lupulus aureas. It is growing up a 4x4 with chicken wire around the 4x4, a bird house on top of the 4x4. It has lots of cones and looks quite thrifty. It is just 2 years in place. Donna

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thank you for your information. I should tell you that my fence is the fiberglass they use on roof decks. It is 6' tall and alternates in color every 2' green and yellow. So you see my dilema. Any comments?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You've gotta cover that!! We have all the vines Lenjo
suggested as well as the Hops-all will lose their leaves
but at least the hops has nice big leaves and doesn't
attract as many bugs. Is there a paint available that
will cover the fiberglass panels? Another possibility
is a grape vine-but it too will drop it's leaves. My
parents neighbors covered a chain link fence with
this vine and made lots of grape jelly every fall (doesn't
help with how you are going to attach it though).

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I went to my AHS book and I don't think the hops would be hardy for you, Debpack.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm sure there is a paint that I could use, but it would still be unsightly..we want to get away from paying $4,000 for a new fence. I like the idead of grapes and making jelly. What is the name of this grape vine? How tall will this grow and how far apart would they have to be planted? I will find something for it to climb on and really don't mind if the leaves drop over winter...although there would be quite a clean-up. Any other suggestions?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I don't know what kind of vine that will work for you, but I would consider putting some chicken wire in front of the fence for the vine to climb on.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

The grape vine is at least 45 years old-I don't think the
owners know it's name anymore. The whole back alley side
and along the fence by one of the neighbors is covered-not sure how many plants they originally planted to accomplish
this. Check with some of the local nurseries they may
know the name of the variety and I will check around here
next spring.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks to you all for your help....I also got help here in Edmonton by some great ladies, one of which is on DG. They came to my home and looked at my space and gave me great ideas for next spring. I could never have imagined that gardeners would be so helpful to a stranger. Thanks again everyone!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

debpack, I don't know of course what grape lilypon was talking about, but I'm pretty sure Concord grapes would be hardy for you and they make wonderful grape juice and jelly. Donna

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