Green pepper varieties for the deep south

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I've had a dilly of a time finding good varieties of sweet bell peppers to grow here in FL. Only two varieties have ever yielded anything significant (like more than one or two TINY green peppers): Yolo Wonder and California Wonder. Most places carry only Bonnie Bell peppers. It took some hunting this time, but I finally found CA Wonder plants. I had to buy a 9-pack of them (normally I only get 2-3 as my garden is small.)

Anyone have any other varieties they have had perform well in a hot/humid climate? I like the normal green sweet bell peppers--not the hot ones or the purple ones, etc.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I realize you are wanting a green bell, but you should think about trying "Islander", a purple bell (hybrid).

Unlike other peppers that start out green then turn colors, Islander starts out purple, very pretty. As it matures it turns to a yellow-golden/orange. Very good eating! Mine are producing extremely well.

For a slightly "warm" pepper (not a bell type), go with Big Chile. 'Tis a bull horn shape and very prolific. Not mild like a bell but not hot like a cayenne...delish stir-fried or stuffed with cheese and grilled/baked! (I think I posted a pic on DG somewhere.)

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I don't think I've ever seen the variety Islander, 'Shoe. What is the flavor of the pepper? I don't care much for the flavor of a ripe bell pepper (the red ones, if it's a green bell). Can you pick it while still purple and it will still have good flavor? The places around here usually carry only the Better Belle or Bonnie Belle, which I have had absolutely no luck with. Maybe if I were really ambitious and grew my own plants from seeds, I'd have a better choice.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hard to describe the flavor...first yr growing them here. However, it's your typical Bell pepper, only purple in color. At points thru-out the summer it's been "meaty" or "juicy", probably depending on the rainfall (or not) this summer. Some come on big in size, others medium sized. (Then again, I haven't fed them since putting them in the ground, i.e. no side-dressing.)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Just ran out and took a couple pics.

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

And some changing colors:

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Parrish, FL(Zone 9a)

I know this is a very old thread but whatever I'll reply :) I picked up some Bonnie Bells and also some Keystone 'Resistant Giant" - VERY TALL plant along with some other ones, red, orange, chocolate bells and a few others. I'm planting them all in containers and see how they come out this year. Hopefully next year we'll have a fence around our house and I can plant some stuff in the ground...

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Shoe, looking good and healthy, keep those pics coming. Danny

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow...didn't realize I posted those pics in '03, Danny. This will be my third year growing the Islander; gotta have in the garden every year. The thing is, they are a hybrid and I have to buy seed each year (and, to me, the seed isn't that cheap!).

This year I found another "starts out purple" pepper that is supposed to be OP, called Purple Beauty. Will have to let ya'll know how they grow/taste, etc.

Good luck on your container gardening, Jasonc ! And WELCOME TO DG!

By the way, you know the 'Earthbox' people are right around the corner from ya (Ellington). You may want to check them out OR perhaps read some of the threads here on DG that have instructions on building your own "self-watering/feeding" container.

Happy Growing everybody!

Parrish, FL(Zone 9a)

I just finished planting all my plants about an hour ago! wooo! Haven't gardened in so long hehehe...I'm starting with just Peppers, Tomatos and herbs to see how everything works out in the containers for now. Will be interesting to see...

Earthbox is about 5 miles from me probably...I know where they are just never looked into that yet. I got some good pots for $8 for now :)

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