Spider Webs in flowers

Chico, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm new to gardening. I keep finding a thick web of spider webs in the black eye susans, the roses, and other shrubs and flowers. What are they and how do I get rid of them? Thanks for your help!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Spiders are good in the gardens. They eat some of the bad bugs. I hope you will consider keeping them around.

Sweetwater, TX(Zone 7a)

But isn't there a "spider mite" that makes a web, but is bad for plants?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, spidermites also make a web, but it looks a lot different from a spider web. It's very, very fine and is close to the leaves and usually only on the underside of the leaf. The first symptom you notice is the leaves are turning yellow (the mites suck the chlorophyll and juices out of the leaves). You will see teeny, tiny bugs crawling about on the bottom/underside of the leaves and the webs--you have to look VERY close or you will miss them as they are about the size of a period at the most.

Spidermites can be controlled with a mixture of dishsoap and water, insecticidal soap, or chemicals. Some folks try blasting them off with a stream of water, which may work somewhat. Also, ladybugs and lacewings will eat these pests (you can buy them). I generally don't use chemicals. Here's a good link with pictures of the mites, webs, etc. : http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/insect/05507.html

Chico, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much for your informative response. I think these things are spider mites as the plants are turning yellow, like you said. I will try some insecticide soap.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

You're very welcome :)

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