Hi All From NW Florida

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Guess I should introduce myself! I've been visiting DG for the last year or so but only subscribed recently - opens a whole new world doesen't it? Now I'm spending Hours here! We have lived on the doorstep of Eglin AFB for 13 years. My DH retired from AF 7-8 years ago and we stayed put. Our household includes 2 doggies: Luke the Labradoodle and Toby the Boston. My buddies! Besides gardening (or trying to) I walk every AM with neighbors,belong to a small book club (it's sometimes all I can do to get through the one book a month!) play Bunko with the neighbor ladies, lift lightish weights, and try to keep up with our 4 grown kids and 1 GS. Pleased to say HI! And I need all the advise I can get! Jen

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi JenniferG!
Big Welcome From Stockton, California. Know you will love it here. I had never heard of a labradoodle so I just looked it up. Very interesting. On the same page was info on a schnoodle. They are all so cute!

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Thanks PM! I love our doodle! He's cute and smart and at 3 hasn't had any health problems. Like labs he's been very enthusiastic and a bit of a handful. But the rascle in him settled a little after the Boston, 1 1/2, came into his life. Just the thing,really. They keep eachother busy! Jen

Welcome, JenniferG. I love Labradoodles and Boston Terriers -- one of my dearest companions was a Boston. Glad you became a subscriber!

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome from the hot state of Texas to you....

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Whiterose! Yes my Boston is very attentive. He's always by my feet. Or under them! :) Jen

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Moonlighting! Where is Needville? We lived in San Antonio a couple years. It was as hot there as it is here in NW FL. Jen

Crossville, TN

Welcome Jen...I hope you know that you are in the right Garden...Jo

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

I am about 40 miles SW of Houston..... (Ü)

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello and welcome Jennifer, you came to the right place!
Nothing but wonderful folks here.

If you'd like to get to meet a few (30?) of us, we are having a "round-up" of members next month. We have several Florida folks coming and you are more than welcome to join the fun! http://davesgarden.com/t/388972/

Know you will enjoy this Garden, hope you can make the RU!


Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Thank You, Roadr/Jo! I've already enjoyed your many yarns! Looking forward to more:)

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Hi Moonlighting! Needville, Not too different from SA. J

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Vi! Thank you for your kind invite. I looked at your link- sure looks inviting! I think I won't be able to make it this time :( What forum do you advertise these Round Up - so I can keep an eye out? Jen

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Why Miss Jen, the RoundUp forum of course! http://davesgarden.com/f/roundup/

Sorry you can't make this one, but we'll watch for you in the future. Just look at the plants being offered for "trade" and watch for pictures to follow in the RoundUp Photos forum, we'll hook you in soon enough!

Crossville, TN

Jennifer....Would an old, grayhaired lady lie to you?? You will kick your self if you don't take them up on the invite to the GA Round Up...Wish I was closer so I could go...You would have a GREAT time.....I am going to the KY one...my son only lives 3 hours away from that one. Maybe someday....!! Jo

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Jennifer......and another big Texas welcome to you. I am on the Coast about 40 miles from Galveston or 15 miles North of Freeport.......Glad to hear you have a Boston...I have one to and he is a spoiled rotten little critter named Chance...I also have 2 cats, one named Ms Piggy and the other is Kit......I hope you love it here, I am a fairly new member and I sure spend alot of time at the puter.... anyway welcome again...and happy gardening.....:O)

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Vi and RR, Timing is bad for me )): I'm already sad. Next time for sure! Jen

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Willow, Are't Bostons characters? My Toby keeps me laughing all the time. I must admit, I love visiting here! Thanks for the welcome. Jen

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Hi JenniferG!
I am right down the road in Panama City. Welcome to Daves and am glad to see another Panhandler here.

Crossville, TN

Weeds...."pandhandlers"....aren't those the guys that beg on the streets??? hehehe... Jo

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Yep, except i don't really beg, just hold a sign that says will work for plants.

Crossville, TN

Weeds...That's a good way to increase your plant inventory!! Jo

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Thanks Weeds! One of these days we should meet! I loved the pix of your pond! Very nice! Lynne Haven isn't too far from Ft Walton B.-our closest neighbor. Jen

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

hi jen, welcome glad to have ya, you'll be missed at the roundup!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hi Jen, and welcome to the biggest garden on earth, and the best. You think you have trouble getting through one book a month, I'm afraid you just blew it by comming here, but this is gonna be more fun for sure. See you around!

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

hello jen - this is the place to be. you can learn anything you want from these nice folks. see you around

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

JenniferG, yes, we should get together sometime.....

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Weeds, Sounds good to me! You've got mail!!! Jen

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

I replied to your email and it came back as uknown. Try to email me again, I will be over your way this weekend...

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Jen, I am also a new kid here. And a neighbor. I live in Niceville and work at Fort Walton Beach Medical Center. I have been gardening for a while and I built a pond a year and a half ago.

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Hi Rylaff! Thanks! Welcome to you, too. We live awfully close! Come for a visit! You've got mail! Jen

This message was edited Oct 5, 2003 1:09 PM

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Did you get the email I sent you the other day?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Welcome to Dave's JenniferG and rylaff! A far away wave
from sunny Saskatchewan! :) I'm getting our pond plants
in today, before our nasty loooooong freeze comes along.
Our Cocker Spaniel and Shitzu are trying to help in any
way that they can....especially by getting underfoot while
I'm carrying heavy pots of water lilies. ;) I'd better get
back out there and make hay whilst the temps are good!

p.s.Now that you have joined Dave's your yards will never,
ever be the same! :))

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Rylaff, Oh dear, no I didn't. Please try again! Jen

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Lilypon, Thanks so much! Weeds said to say Howdy! SO Hi! You've got mail! Jen

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Howdy Jen...you've got mail! :)

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I just resent the email I sent you the other day.

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Rylaff, I still don't have it. You've got mail! Jen

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