Plume Grass

Weslemkoon Lake, ON(Zone 3a)

Can anyone help me find this wonderful grass,,it grows up and down our highways (Ontario) but no one knows where i can purchase it,,they call it reed canary grass,,pompas grass and its really Plume,,any body out there..

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

We have something like it along our Hwy's here in Southern Ontario, particularly in the damp ditches.
the wy it appears to spread, I am not sure I would want to have it in my garden however.
I bet if you are determined though, you could simply stop at the roadside and dig a few roots of it and transplant it.
Cultivated Plume Grass is more likely what you are looking to have in your garden and I have seen this available in Can Tire in the spring by a company called Patio Plants. It is in a 12" tall open box with the picture of the grass on it. They usually have several plants like Abutilons ( Flowering Maples) Brugmansia, Fuschias etc. in by the same company at the same time and packaged similarly.
Hope this helps.

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