Miticide to share

St. Louis, MO(Zone 6b)

I have purchased a mitacide from Rosmania [ ], much more than I will ever use. I will share the product with the University but will also make it available to a few others who wish to get a piece of the action. I have 1 qt of Floramite and 8 oz of Stirrup M.
I am willing to break this out into 8 parcels of [4 oz. of Floramite and 1 oz (dropper bottle) of Stirrup] for $35. This quantity will make 96 gallons of spray @ $0.36 / gal. This mitacide is used once every three weeks. You must pick this material up. I’m right across the street from the New York Botanical Garden. Combine a visit here with a visit to the NYBG. Contact me if interested.[edit to correct spelling]

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 3rd 11:39 PM

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