Well i have started

Well i did it, i started to plant out, put in my Cannas and bananas, and a few perenials, and annuals, loads more to put in yet, wonder how many will be left by morning, probebly just given the slugs a slap up meal, bet the weather will turn again too, hmmmn.

whats with bananas then.i have been to Skegness on Sunday.So am tired of all those stupid drivers that want to over take you on a narrow road.
Arrived here in sheffield to find that the primulas have started to flower,millers crimson and ponsford white are really lovely and will wait patiently foe Floridae the
candalabra to flower.i wonder if you have the same slugs,ate
all the small lupins.
in the wild pool the are baby newts NICE.
have to some put mimulus,clematis and a impomea in
tommorow but you mentioned rain and its just 20.30

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I seem to have got behind in my planting. Wanted to do my tubs. I had three exams last week and spent the weekend catching up on washing. Most incredibly tired. Spent the day yawning my head off. Have a Saturday School this Saturday - I'd forgotten about that and trying to get my next assignment done and more revision for my next exams. Don't see much gardening there.
It had better be worth it. I had my interview on Wednesday - I'm trying to get a place at Teesside uni to do a full-time course there. Then I can get a fulfilling job with lots of dosh - ummm rejoin the rat-race. Keep on my house. Carry on gardening. Still yawning my head off - bedtime I think! Bye all!

lol tink
i think you must have been over taken by alan
getting in the car with him is a white knuckle ride
so far i have managed not to scream im not that much of a girlie

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