2 questions HELP!

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

(1) What causes cucumbers to be bitter??? My vines are georgeous and doing great and I finally get to harvest a "cuke" and wow talk about bitter. Can someone tell me what causes this and is there anything I can do???
(2) I have got some beautiful moon flowers. Now my morning glories have bunches of seeds after the flower falls and the seeds grow. Where are the seeds for the moon flowers???
I have let the flower die and the whole thing falls off???
Sure would appreciate knowing about this one. Help

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Here's a picture from the PDB of the moonflower pods
http://plantsdatabase.com/showpicture/10807/ If you're not getting any pods it might be because they aren't getting pollinated.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I can't really answer either of these and hope someone comes along who has a better answer for you. I do know though that my grandmother cuts both ends off of a cucumber and then takes each side and rubs it in a circular motion on the opposite end that it was cut off from and it's supposed to take some of the bitterness out of it. I have a problem solver book here but it doesn't list anything about them being bitter :(

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

High temps and not enough water cause cucumbers to be bitter. Cucumbers contain something called cucurbitacins and these concentrate in the fruit when the plant is under stress from high heat and drought.
Your moonvine should make a pod right where the flower was attached. The pods get pretty large before they get ripe.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Usually moths will pollinate night blooming and white flowers like the moonflower. Sphynx moths (aka hummingbird moths) are one of the big nighttime pollinators.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

Dear Calalil
Do you have a favorite cucumber that you grow that may be less suseptable to being bitter?? Yes we have have some mean heat. I thought I was watering good and I do feed regularly but I will "hop" on this and maybe next year I will find a spot that isn't quite as sunny. This is a new crop for me and maybe I let the cucs get a little to big also. I noticed they are whiteish when they get about the size you see at the market.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thanks everyone. This is one of the nicest places I have ever seen for gardening and everyone is so knoweledgable about so many things.
Sure means alot to us that are still learning. I feel like I can ask my "dumb"questions and you all are so gracious about answering.
Thank You

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