fall work has begun

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Well today I started dividing irisis and hostas with the help (thankfully) of a friend. Have to say I am exhausted. I think we took about 100 divisions on the siberian and 30 or so on the dwarf bearded clump. Found out after digging the hosta and bare rooting it that the preferred time is spring but what the heck may as well give it a try. The azaleas needed more room any way. Also found another dozen baby prairie crocus in amongst the siberians so they are potted and on their way to my friends garden. Don't know if I have enough friends and family for all these irisis - I may have to start some new beds. Work, work, work!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

june.....I have spent my last three weeks mulching my garden, due to the recent heat wave we've been puttin up with! Has helped immensely, retains the moisture and keeps sthe temperature constant, which is needed by the roses, particularly, the more modern varieties! In addition to that chore...........ripping out the excess growth in the beds has taken me days, and still ploughing along here! Last year, I kind of put all these chores on the back burner.... I'm doing the same with our home....clean, discard, etc. The fire victims relief organization, has been a major consideration for clothing, bedding, etc. take care, and happy gardening!.....Elaine

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

It looks like fall here, the trees are turning yellow and orange, but it's the drought. So many trees have died- big huge park trees.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

My dad just phoned to say we can look forward to +10 as
the daytime temp. next week. I know what I'll be pulling
into the porches on my off time :~(!

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