Over wintering a jacaranda

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I grew my jacaranda from seed last year ... it barely survived winter in my conservatory ( heated & never drops below 50 ). Its leaves fell off & it looked pretty sick. Reckon it could be the light levels & lack of daylight hours we have here in the Uk over winter. However it threw out new leaves once put outside in spring & is now three times the size it was (about 3 feet ) & is very lush.
Anyone know the best way to treat it this winter? I'd hate to lose it & reckon I nearly did!

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Jacaranda are heat loving trees.
Bring your pot indoors each fall before frost for overwintering in a bright cool location. Usually will take longer time for the tree to flower when maintained in a pot. In cold region it may never flower.

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