Training Wisteria into trees.....

Capitola, CA(Zone 9a)

Looking for someone who has actually trained a wisteria into a tree. I am trying to do one myself and looking for tips from experienced persons either successful or not.

Mine right now is about 4 1/2' tall, and the trunk isn't much bigger than an established rose bush. I pinch off all growth below the top of the trunk, and have her supported securely. I have also cut back all the new vines that grew after spring to a length of about 12".

Your help is appreciated.


Orrville, OH(Zone 6a)

My wisteria was already trained into a tree when I bought our house, but by the looks of it, and what I've read. Find the natural Pattern of twisting. Either clockwise or counter. Japenese versus chinese and then prune so you have one to three main leaders up to as tall you want the trunk to be. Then start twisting the vines around each other as it grows. Support with a pole or metal stake. As the tree gets to the height you want prune the Wisteria so it is shaped like a Y with the laterals growing outward. Every Spring after it blooms cut back the new shoots to 3-4 buds only on the shoots (the branches should be only 6-10 inches long approximately). THis will encourage blooms, and don't use any plant food but phosporous to encourage blooms, or you will just be encouraging leaf growth. You can also dig a ditch or spade down 3feet 3-4 feet from the trunk all the way aroound to shock it into blooms.

Good luck,


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