I may not be back....

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

My membership expires and I am not renewing it right now so if this forum requires a paid membership to be able to participate I wont be allowed in.
If this is the case, I have enjoyed meeting all of you and wish you happy growing for the remainder of the season. Hope all your Gourds get to mature before the frost gets them and that you get as many as you were hoping for to decorate. :)
I think this year I will save my Birdhouse gourds and try to use them next spring to build a Martin colony for the birds.
[ this saves me having to be artisticly creative LOL]

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Sad to see you go. Take care of yourself :)
You can email me any time you like

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

I see that I 'subscribed' a little after 'joining' so I am here for 59 more days!!! :)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Glad you're still gardening with us :)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Whaaaaat not gonna renew....we need you too...don't leave us....come on stay another year....just one more...OK.... :o(

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

RA, you can't leave! You had (are having) such a successful year with your gourds. We need you to stay and help us learn with you!!! Please don't go ~ tear drop :(

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