Poor little Malus - do I pick, stake or just leave alone?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

This little guy was barely a 5'twig when we rescued him from a Home Depot 'throw-away' pile last March. He's producing like crazy, but am I hurting by the fruit load being so heavy?

Thumbnail by Dea
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow!....some of my trees got so over-loaded they broke. They did pretty good untill be had a big rain and windstorm then it became too much. The blowing wind contributed to the stress on the limbs and that was all she wrote.

It looks like you might be better sheltered there tho...hard to tell but it seems to be up close to the house, perhaps outta the wind?

If you get too worried you could thin. I wish I could remember the ratio...so many fruit per foot of tree limb. (I'll check my books later today.) It looks like some of those apples are turning red...maybe you could pick the ripest and cook some applesauce outta them, eh?

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