you might be a gardener if....

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i saw this idea and i thought it was a good one to start here.
you might be a gardener fill in with something that describes "you", wether an action in the garden, how your garden looks, things your planning, something wacky about yourself or you've noticed about other gardeners too. here is an example:

"You reply to "How are the kids?" with a detailed current rundown on the health and flowering of each of your perennials. "

here is might be a gardener if.....the dirt in your calloused finger tips doesn't wear off until december.

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

You might be a "lady" gardener if your husband gives you a tiller for your anniversary, a garden cart for Christmas, a gas powered leaf blower for your birthday, and a three tiered planter for Valentine's Day.

Isn't my DH a great co-gardener? Nat

Edited to add: You might be a gardener if you have a special icon at the top of your internet screen that takes you directly to DavesGarden.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 15th 9:11 AM

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

you might be a gardener if...your vacation is staying home to catch up on weeding! ;)

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

You might be a gardener if co-workers stop asking about your plans for the weekend and instead ask: "You're working in your garden again this weekend, right?"

True story - about two hours ago.

Or (early in the season), you go in for a manicure and the attendant says "ugh".

Another true story. But, this was last year before I really got my garden going

Or (later in the season) - nails, what nails.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 15th 6:53 PM

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

You might be a gardener if the spiders in the garden bother you more than the ones in the corners of the spare bedroom. Lou

You might be a gardener if you go out to pull a "few" weeds and you're still playing in the garden 8 hours later.

You might be a gardener if you don't take vacation in June, July, or August unless someone is babysitting it like you do.

You might be a gardener if you prefer new plants over new clothes.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

You might be a gardener if you covet your neighbor's compost pile.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

I am like everybody else you plan your vacation when you can plant things or get seeds started or transplant.

When you have to polish your finger nails(whats left of them) to go to work.

When the mailman comes to the door and says more plants like you need them. lol (or leaves a note in the mail box put plants on the porch)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

You might be a gardener if your garage is full of plants in the winter time while your car/truck sits in the driveway.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

...if you give up seats and tables and ROOMS for your plants.

...if you are home from work for an hour before your spouse finds you weeding in your work clothes.

...if you are 30 minutes late to work because you had to do blah blah blah in the yard before you left.

...if you let 10' tall weeds grow just to see if they're purty.

...if you find yourself telling your friend the names of plants as you walk down the street together (whether they asked or not).

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

These are too good! Ya'll should make a daily calendar with grdening sayngs on them.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

...if you run outside with your camera in hand everytime a new bloom pops up

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

This is a scary thread - I have personally related to every one LOL

if your DH is fondly known by all the horse stables within 50 miles as "the manure man"

if the guys in your office know it's OK to stop by and pick flowers for their wives/sweethearts without asking anymore

if you try to figure out how to make a deet covered flour sack towel look like a pretty headband

Ain't Gardening Grand !!

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

*wiping tears of laughter* - OMG, so other people do come home and weed in their work clothes.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

...if you run in the house to post that great picture of your prize flower only to find out that it's a weed

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

lol flo! I did that with my pokeweed! psst...don't tell anyone, but I still love it. :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

ROTFL just popped out of my head and figured someone must have done that

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Flow, I had a huge plant in my garden that I'd been babying and a friend(75 year-old gardener) said "Sus, why did you leave that big weed in your garden? If it seeds you'll never get rid of it!"

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

hehe......see what I mean? I never know what I have out there. I thought I had this great vine once, only to find out that it was a weed and would take over my garden. I'm still pulling them out :(

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

you might be a gardener if ...

your slippers are so mud-stained you have to buy a new pair every few weeks during the growing season.

you have ever climbed a magnolia tree for fresh flowers.

you have ever gone out into a storm to rescue a potted plant.

you routinely get your taxes done in early February, so it won't interfere with spring planting.


Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

You might be a gardener if your only interesting mail is catalogues and trades from other gardeners!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

you might be a gardener if....

you have to keep buying new shoes because all of your other shoes have become the 'garden' shoes.

you get compliments on your garden shoes and notice your purple suede flats on the porch with a line of mud dried on them.

your porch and deck are completely covered with mixed plants in mismatched pots.

actually sterilize used flats and cell packs.

make your kids go take used bamboo stakes out of the neighbor's garbage.

you pull over and rescue half dead plants from the curbside.

you pick up pieces of broken plants no matter where you are, because you think you can root them.

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

You raid the neighbor's leaf piles! And gather the neighbor's used Christmas trees for mulch.

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

...You have to carry your own gardening magazines to read in the doctor's office because yu have read every one in the waiting room somewhere else.

...You are rooting cuttings in the kitchen, the bathroom, and everywhere else there is a little space.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

...if you carry a spade, 5 gallon pail, and a huge package of lawn bags in your car, just in case you find a pile of leaves, grass clippings or tree chips somewhere on the way home from work.

...If, upon getting home from work at 6 PM, you run outside and water your plants before even thinking about what you are going to feed your family. They'll survive for an hour or two or three, but the plants might not.

...You paint your toenails, not for a fashion statement, but because it's easier than trying to make sure that every speck of dirt is out from around and under them.

Yep, I do all of those on a daily basis. LOL!

DH has a fit everytime he gets into my car because it's so dirty and there's so much stuff in there. My son was looking for the spade the other day when I told him to go dig a few new potatoes. After searching for awhile, he came back in and asked if I knew where the spade was. I told him it was in my car, just like that was where it was supposed to be. He gave me a real curious look. LOL He thinks his Mother is certifiably nuts.

Last week the tree guys came and cut down a tree on the courthouse grounds. They chipped it all up and piled it and told us we can take it home or they can haul it off. We told him to leave it and I've been hauling 4 bags of it home every day. Now picture a woman in dress work clothes, with painted toenails, shoveling this into bags and putting it in the trunk of her car at noon hour when it's 104 degrees! Yep, I agree with my son, I think I need help.

edited because I can't spell today. I think I've got heatstroke, it's so blasted hot out.

This message was edited Saturday, Aug 16th 8:38 PM

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

... In your van, whenever you go into town, you ALWAYS have a camera, digging fork or shovel, pruners, a jug of water, a bag of soil and some rooting hormone, JUST IN CASE.

.. YOu go to the back, stop at a thrift store, and end up collecting seeds in the money envelope you just got.

... You go to a garden center and ask for plants by the latin name and the employees just give you blank look.

... You are always prepaared to pick up rocks for your rock garden when the occasion arives.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

this is so could be one of these gardeners, should you almost be able to sniff out pieces of concrete and oodles of boulders to build walls and patios! the same for wearing hats, eye protection, and more protection on your arms should you grow old roses....and the best part is you have the battle scars from those old warriors to prove it!!!! these days, I am walking a little crooked and I know and feel it! happy days.....Elaine

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

these are terrific! i have a huge smile on my face and can "relate" to about 98% of them. :)
how about: you might be a gardener if.....
....the only subscription you pay for on the internet is "dave's garden" and you do so gladly.
....your search engines all have gardening terms or flowers when you start to type in the search.
....your favorites are 90% gardening sites. catch a neighbor walking through your yard to "take a peek at the gardens".
....your neighbor says "your dressed up today" when your wearing something half way decent.
....when your calendar has more gardening notes on it than appointments.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

...if people come to your house for dinner and leave with plants.

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

.. you can't walk through a garden with new plants and NOT take a cutting or steal seed.

.. you go up to a stranger's front door to ask "what is that plant?"

... you spend big $$ trying to keep nature (deer, raccoon, etc.) away.

... a fun weekend entails a trip to the nursery.

... when planning your trip to Hawaii, you plot out all the gardens and nurseries to visit on your stay.

... your coworkers see more pictures of your plants then they do of your grandkids.

... you put diapers on your dog so they don't spot the lawn.

... you get arrested for trespass, when all you wanted was a little cutting from that plant.

... you don't own a pair of pants that don't have stains on the knees.

... your TIVO has more gardening shows on it's "To Do List" than anything else.

... you can come up with this many goofy responses!

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

... when the clerk at the film developers sees you enter, they say "more flower pictures, eh?"

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I can relate to most of these...
I have tried to explain why I don't want to leave town in the spring when the bulbs are blooming...I know that you guys understand...I am not too sure about my husband...

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL, ...when your coworkers are not surprised when you get bags of dirt, boxes of worms, a trellis or anything else that comes in the mail for me.

...when after tax season (April 15th) everyone knows not to schedule anything for me for at least 2 weeks because I'm in the yard.

How about when you drive 35 miles with your digital camera to show the owner of the nursery, who gave you the $60.00 weeping mulberry because it was going to die, how it has done over the last two months since he gave it to you. That goodness for big digital display screens. :-)

How about when you schedule all Saturday activities around HGTV's green street?


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You know you are a gardener if every visit to your home begins with a walk-about of your gardens.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Northern California, CA

This message was edited Feb 12, 2010 10:28 PM

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

You might be a gardener if...
you dig in the dirt more than a 3 year old!
you talk to your plants and call them by name as you deadhead!
You spend more time with your daylilies than your family!
You don't cook all summer because there's still sun outside & you have work to do!

My goodness Wanda the last one is me to a tee! If I can't cook it on the grill it doesn't get cooked. :-) That way I can weed while I keep an eye on the grill. Funny thing though- I am a gourmet in the fall and winter! All-Clad pans and all. :-)


San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I do too cook in the summer! Bacon to go on the BLT's!

your friends all buy you the $1.00 plastic hanging pots at Wallyworld because they never have them when you want them,

you are the official what is this? and can you make it live? person at work.

you find yourself spending $25 on fox urine to get rid of the ?%$#@$ ground squirrels.

your children can tell grades of manure by smell.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

You are watching Cold Case Files on A&E and they zoom in on the ground to show blood, footprints evidence and you go, hmmmm, what is that plant? and miss the evidence.

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