Birds on my trip

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

This morning I decided to treat myself to a trip into the hills. Got into my I hope trusty 94 Chevy S10 and left about 8:30. Would have liked to have gone sooner but had to irrigate and feed my birds, and all the other chores before I left. I drove 83 miles. Saw 10 hawks in the first 25 miles, most were Red Tailed H., 3 were too far away to identify, one smaller one I just couldn't decide what was. Saw 5 Kestrels, and quite a few other smaller birds, blackbirds, robins, starlings, and sparrows.

I saw one really good looking 4 or 5 point muley buck, the down the road a ways saw a doe and her still spotted twin fawns. Got a couple of pictures of them. The buck wouldn't stay still enough for a photo, All in all an enjoyable 3 hours from home. Also saw quite a few ducks on the two small ponds. Donna

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

What a great day trip and treat for yourself!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

wow, I wish I had been there to go on that trip with you. Sounds like a great day.

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