I've seen one!

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi, today I've seen my first hummingbird moth..! Amazing..now I know what you're talking about. I live in the Netherlands and these beautifull creatures are very rarely seen. If you spot them you must give a note to our local naturewatchdepartment (..translated,it's called here IVN).
This summer is in the race (2nd now) for the warmest summer in past 100 years. At the moment rare butterflies are more spotted than ever.

Oh I'm so excited.. !

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

That IS exciting! I have the hummingbird moths, but never heard of them before moving here 5 years ago. They are cool to watch, but I see them most frequently at dusk or the dark hours.
The second Mothers Day I was here there was a monarch migration and they stopped here for water. My son and I sat under an apple tree all day just watching the pretty things.
Odd, I haven't seen a monarch since.
Enjoy your butterflies! Hope you spot lots of new ones.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

The hummingbird moth comes to visit me everyday around 8 o'clock pm..so nice to see..

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Saya, how wonderful. I love to sit in the yard (fighting the mosquitoes) and watch the butterflies and birds. This is what it is all about.
What do you normally see there?

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