Rescued hummer

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I glanced out the kitchen window today, and wondered how and why this hummer was attached to the underside of the feeder. Then her wings flapped, and I could see she was caught! My feeders have the disk type bowl with a continuous ring of perches under the bottle. There are just tiny holes for feeding, so no bee guards. Poor lil' thing had somehow fallen between the perch and the disk while her beak was in the feeder. There's no way she could have freed herself. I had to hold her body up with one hand while I freed her beak with the other. She was so still, and when I saw her little feet had curled up, I thought the trauma had killed her. When she finally struggled, I knew she would be alright. Yeah!

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Awesome Julie! How long did you keep her? Is she a ruby? Did she look at you and squeak?!... hehe is so full of questions! glad you got to hold a hummer (((hugs))) tsavo.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Julie saves the day!!! Good job!

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

That is so cool!! I had 2 get stuck in the screen of my screen the time I thought about pushing or pulling them free they had wiggled free themselves. My DD had one trapped in her garage. She's prego and started up a ladder to get it,much to her DH's horror. Bird was fine and my 3yr. old DGD was thrilled to see a hummer up close.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I only kept her long enough to get the camera. She never made a sound while I held her or when she flew away.
She's a rufous, the only kind that comes here. I have rescued them before, but when they would get into the house. I have a photo of 2 juvies in my hand from 3 or 4 years ago. They came in the window, darting from the others, and then couldn't find their way back out. (I now have window screened) Also rescued one from the utility room once, and one from the sunporch where I lived previously. That one was screaming, or I'd never have found it in time.
I also rescued a northern goshawk from the sunporch(here)a few years back. Doned the firegloves for that one! ;-)

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)


Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Isn't just great !

Lovely photo tigerlily. They feel so happy when they can fly away, lovely little treasures.

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