Which 5a hardy hibiscus to train for tree?

Sweetwater, TX(Zone 7a)

Please help with suggestions...I would like to grow a variety of hardy hibiscus and prune it to eventually form a tree. I would eventually like to have a tree that produces lots of large hibiscus-like flowers, for as long a bloom time as I can get.

LIGHT: Full sun; 8am-4pm direct sun, then sun goes behind the neighbor's big spruce; unsheltered location; Zone 5a
SOIL: clay-like; neutral to somewhat acidic; with tilling and ammendments, it has good drainage and fertility, and there is no problem growing anything.
COLOR: My husband is color blind and doesn't see red/dark red flowers very well against the green foliage. Perhaps pink, blue, even maybe white, as I don't think hardy varieties have a bright yellow, which he sees the best.

Any thoughts on fast vs. medium growing rates, rose mallow vs. rose of sharon, single vs. double flowers, varieties with fewer seedpods, etc. ?
Here's a good Hibiscus cultivar list http://home.att.net/~sha-iv/#HibiscussyriacusL

FYI - I have a new 1' tall H. syr. Blue Satin from ParkSeed that is growing well in one area already. I have a tiny 8" H. Masch. Sweet Caroline that I am nurturing.

I am willing to purchase the right variety from wherever I can find it - online, etc. Our local nursery may even be able to find me whatever is recommended, from another grower. I could even grow the specimen indoors over the winter in a very large pot to give it the optimum chance to get large.

We moved to the northeast from Hawaii, and I am *sigh* missing all of the tropical flowers that grew so effortlessly. Of course, the hibiscus is the HI state flower.

If you have any (pos or neg) ideas or comments, please share them!

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