Yippee my first tomato!

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

Planted two early girls about the second weekend in May (zone 5b) and yesterday went to investigate a green tomato with a slight pink color on it...down below, inside I saw two red tomatoes. Could not beleive my eyes, I've been watching like a hawk for something to turn red! This is my first veggie garden (albiet very small). And I'm just pleased as punch. Can't wait to share my tomatoes with neighbors and friends. By the way what is the concensous...tomatoes with salt or tomatoes with sugar? I'm a salt shaker girl myself, take it right out to the garden and eat it warm off the vine. My poor hubby don't like the things at all so got em pretty much to myself. My dad always liked them with sugar. He was quite the tomato grower, we had them coming out of our ears when I was a child. Now that my dad is gone I geuss having tomato's in my garden is a nice rememberance of him.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Right off the vine like an apple, no topping!

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

The Swedish side of my family put sugar on them; the Norwegian side put salt on them. I like salt.

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

no condiments just et 'em!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

merigold, I like them just the way God grew them. However, I had some last week from the tailgate market that were sooo sweet I had to add salt. My mother always added a bit of sugar to the really acidic ones...

Verona, ON

Salt. salt. salt!!! I too am a "salt shaker girl", swear in my other life I was a cow. But on a good warm day right off the vine nothing is more esquisite (Sp?) than that lovely tomato.

I like salt too. My Dad likes to take the salt shaker outside with him. I can't believe I used to eat tomatoes with lemon juice on them.

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

Thank goodness I'm not the only salt person. I was beginning to feel like I need to change my unhealthy ways!
But, then again salt is not all bad (just ask a cow!). Frankly after eating those nasty hydrophonic grocery tomatoes my tomatoes would be just fine with no salt...but I think I'll keep taking the shaker to the garden...just something about it.

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeez! I went around the area south of here asking cows about the effect of salt on tomatoes for most of the forenoon. None of them ever heard of tomatoes! Either we have dumb cows or I should have been checking with the BULLS!

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Meri, we are going to put a new chapter in The Bible...Merigold 1:1...and she fed the multitudes with her two red tomatoes....:) Hope your neighbors liked them :)

My vote......salt, or bring it in the house and make a nice tomato and mayonnaise sandwich with some salt and pepper, of course. Even better if you can peel the tomato :)

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

kikisdad, I'd say those talkin cows in your part of the country are pretty smart! I can see'em now in the local cafe..."a block of salt, no tomato please". We just might have a FarSide comic on our hands, :)

MistyMeadows...you made me smile..., me and my two tomatoes feeding the neighborhood, ha, ha. I should be careful in the future to be more exact in my writing, naw, that'd be no fun. That mayo/tomato sandwich sounds kinda yummy. Might have that for lunch. Thanks for the idea. Maridell

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi merigold. No more Far Side comics though, Gary Larson's super strip has been replaced by by Macpherson's "Close to Home". He's a local guy from here. Course he's no more nuts than the rest of us who talk to the animals...he just makes a living from it lol

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