Repeat question?

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I know this was talked about before and I just don't remember. I'm sorry :o(

But anyway, I just pulled one of my birdhouse gourds off the vine. How do I get it to dry without it rotting?

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

guess I'll have to search till I find it :)

Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

Susan, I always wait until the vine dies or frost kills the vine before I pull off the gourds--the longer the gourd stays on the vine the greater chance that it won't rot. Lots of times I just leave the gourds on the vines and they dry naturally that way. I've read where some people put the gourds in their basement or under the house on wooden pallets so the air will circulate around the gourd. Since it still warm, it will probably be ok just to put it somewhere it is out of the weather and and has good air circulation. Linda

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

thanks so much Linda. I pulled one of them off but will leave the others like you said :)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Sorry, I didn't see this earlier. I vote with Linda! I took some off the vines last year and had lots rot on me :( This year they're staying on until nature boots them off.

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