CHALLENGE IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting excited. Looks like we're getting a lot of people on board here. Let's use this post for challenge ideas and then we will have 3 different posts for the actual challenge. The first post will run from August to September and so on...

I'm with Darius. I choose not to post my weight. If we go with Aimee's idea as far as percentage, which is the most fair and logical, we would have to post our weight - I think...Am I right Aimee? You start getting into math and you will lose me - LOL...Another thing we could do is each say what we want our own personal challenge to be. For example, I could say I want to lose 10 pounds and 10 inches, Bug_Girl might say she wants to maintain her maintenance, Howie might say he wants to lose x number of pounds. I really don't want this to be so competitive that it's stressful. It will be hard enough to lose all that we want and we all need each other's support. We have two birthdays in that 3 month span, the roundup, and yes Margaret, I will still bake your lemon meringue pie when you come so for those days, I will not be dieting. But that's my choice. Others may choose to do so. August 16 is fine with me. If we do well with this, we'll all be ready for the food fest of all the end of the year holidays and then we could do another one after the new year. So anyway, post your ideas here. Happy Losing! :-)

ps...another idea, if we choose to do a prize for the winner (I hope we're all losers :-) - instead of sending that person a plant or whatever, we could all chip in and pay for a year's subscription to DG. Now we don't HAVE to do a prize. I'm just throwing this all out for thoughts. I am so flexible. I just want us all to have fun and be losers LOL....

This message was edited Saturday, Aug 2nd 6:41 PM

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