and now for something very unusual

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

This is Pelargonium tetragonium with stems that are 3 sided or more which are very brittle. I cant remember how many stems I have accidentally broken off this year.

Thumbnail by mark
Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)


Reminds me of a pink elephant!! LOL with white tusks to match :))

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

reminds my of Pelargonium hispidum.
speaking of which, mines got a pile of flowers on it... must get a picture.

in the words of Mark... its "splendid"

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

look forward in seeing P hispidum and any other species you have.

have you worked on your species list?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Or was that splendide DeepRoots LOL

Yes, can see where you're coming from psilo *g*

I love this one - have you tried rooting any of those accidents mark?

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

species... no not yet...
i'll have a list this spring, or moreso this feb.
right now, i'm trying to keep the farm under control...

plus I've lost most of my stock plants that were out in the garden on account of the gardens being underwater for the fourth time.
that'll teach me not to plant 200+ Pelargoniums out in the garden.

next year, raised beds... like 4ft raised.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh no! What a shame

Look forward to seeing your list when you do it

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yes I have and they rot in days

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh :(

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

my acetosum cuttings went the same way

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'll be having a go at those. My plant seems to be thriving - I must take a photo (when I've sown those seeds LOL) as it's covered in flowers.

BTW my Purple Pillow has definitely snuffed it :(

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

They all lasted almost 5months with almost 10inches of rain a month.
at least I know of the 20 or so Pelargoniums that make good bedding plants in this local.

pricey, but a worthy trade for this knowledge.

saber es poder,

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