Hummers are back!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

My hummingbird feeder is just outside the big picture window in the LR, so we can see them feeding. There are a few, usually 4-7 PM. However, last evening I sat on the front steps for about an hour. I was thrilled to see several hummers at some of the plants. My cardinal flower is just starting to bloom, and they were all over the few open buds.

I have a culphea 'Tiny Mice' and they checked out every bloom! Also, the glads, and even the buddleia (but didn't stay on it). They'd sip from the flowers, then drink from the feeder, then back to the flowers, over and over. Quite a show for over an hour!

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Darius, I have had lots of hummers for about 2 weeks now. Every chance I get, I am outside with binoculars and camera in hand. I have several feeders and the one on the back porch has been claimed by a immature male. He is super friendly and can be found sitting guard just about any time of the day.

And we are having hummer wars, with lots of zipping around and swordmanship with their beaks. I never get tired of watching these little guys. Nat

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