The Rock Garden at Kew

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Here's a cobbled together panorama of the rock garden at Kew. I had a lot of fun using IrfanView to put 3 photos together and then trying to get them to coincide better with Photoshop

Not exactly a perfect result - but anyway...

They've done a really good job with a massive rock garden. The paths lead through it well and it's very cleverly designed so that you can see over a lot of it without having to clamber like a mountain goat as you have with some (eg Wisley)
I wasn't there at the best time of year, but perhaps I'll get back there next spring as i didn't see more than is in the photo this time as we hurtled past on our way to the exit, so as not to be late for our trip on the Thames

Thumbnail by philomel
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

BTW There are some more pics of Kew in the photo forum

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