An introduction from Stockton, CA

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone!
I signed up today & wanted to introduce myself. My name is Donna & I live in Stockton, CA. Anyone else out there in my area? Looking for a buddy that likes cuttings! I HATE throwing them away.
This looks like a great site. Have been exploring it all day & figure by August I will have figured it all out. LOL
Don't hesitate to email me. Can never have too many friends!
Happy Gardening,

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

Welcome, PudgyMudpies! Love that nick ... =)

I'm not in your area, but I'm in your zone. Sometimes that's almost as good, lol. I'm just trying to do some cuttings, haven't had a lot of luck in the past, but I've learned so much since I joined here. Hope springs eternal!

You shouldn't have any problems finding homes for your orphans, here, anyway.

Once again, welcome. You are gonna love it here.


PudgyMudpies -- what a cute screen name! Welcome to Dave's Garden, Donna, the best spot on the Web -- come on in and enjoy!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

PudgeyMudpies, Welcome from your neighbor up north, Vancouver,Washington. There has to be a story with your screen name, uh? Come on, tell us. You will just love it in this garden.

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome to Daves garden PudgyMudpies! A big wave from Texas to you......

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Your all so friendly! (As for the nick, Anastatia, I did not think pudgy buttcheeks would be appropriate...LOL)
A pleasure meeting you all!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

ROTFLOL I love your name! Judging by the answer you just gave, I can tell I am going to like you too! I wonder if pudgy hamhocks is taken yet? That might be a good one for me. LOL Oh, and mudpies does have a nicer ring than buttcheeks. :)

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

LoL!!!Welcome from KC!Can I be Pudgy Mudflaps?

Crossville, TN

Welcome, PudgyMudpies! I qualify for that name too.....and to see who all is in your area, go to the "Member List" (right hand side of screen) and scroll down to the map of on'll see lots of members from CA...including a newbie from SF area. Jo

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I love this everyone has such a good sense of Humor...... Any extra cuttings are surly welcome my way anytime.....hint....hint...
Welcome, Welcome from the Coast Of Texas. Pudgy,I hope you Love this site as much as I do...:o)

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Well it is about time you showed up here!!! Now the fun will begin!!! Glad to have you here!!

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Welcome PudgyMudpies (love your name). I live in Santa Clara and think I'm kind of in your zone although not quite as hot. I would love to trade cuttings with you, but I have no room-maybe something will die soon. But if your interested come on over and I can give you something. My DH's niece lives in Galt (sp?), is that very close to you?

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi again, everyone!

Kathy_T, Galt is about 30 minutes north from me. 1/2 way between Stockton & Sacramento. First time I have heard someone wish their plants would die to make way for more! Too funny. Thanks for the offer. I am full to the gills right now but maybe MY stuff will die too! Keep your fingers crossed. LOL

My friend Laurrie (Ohiobreezy) told me how nice everyone was on Daves Garden & she is right. Thanks for this warm welcome.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Welcome pudgy from Florida. I love your area of the country, it is so different from here. Tell us about the plants you grow there.

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Welcome PudgyMudpies!!!
Well....I Can't be left out Either!!!
Why Donna.....
I Like Any Name You Pick.
Just Glad You're Here Now!


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Weeds,
It is really hot where I live. usually over 100 all summer. I grow a lot of vines. I am growing several different thunbergias & snail vines this year, they seem to thrive on the heat. Bougainvilla does well too, but suffer through the winter freezes. Trying Glorybower for the first time this year. The bleeding heart (thomsoniae) & also the blue (ugandense). It is doing well.

Hello Lelan, long time no talk! LOL Thanks for the welcome.

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Howdy there Donna from another Donna just south of you. I live down here in Orange County with a few others from DG. I am in zone 10, just a wee bit different from you, so if there is anything you want to trade with, just let me know.

Welcome to our special garden site.


Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Donna, nice meeting you. I have a trade friend that lives in Orange County. Thanks for the welcome. And nice meeting you too, Herbie. I have been enjoying this site. Roaming around and checking things out. Wonder if I will ever see everything? LOL
Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I got the Clerodendron ugandense from one of Cala's co-ops. It is blooming right now! It has the neatest two tone blue flowers!! Guess I'll have to tow it in come cool weather. Sigh. I may have to mulch the kids and leave them outside to make room for all the plants. :)

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Badseed,
Mine is a small plant and shows no sign of setting buds. Shoot, guess I will have to wait until next year then. The pictures I have seen of this baby are wonderful! I can hardly wait! Let me know how yours survives the winter there in Ohio. My friend OhioBreezy lives there & would love cuttings of this if it will survive. I am going to check out the co-op sight. I could get seriously addicted! LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, you and I will have to keep in touch! I tend to trade out things I don't have room to over winter come fall. :) Mine has about 6-8 blooms today. They are so cute!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

hi Donna, welcome.... WARNING, this site is ADDICTING!!!

Melissa in Ohio

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

a lot of Ohio-ans (?) LOL here at Daves! Thanks for the welcome Melissa & the warning is too late! I have spent way too much time on my puter this weekend tiptoeing through the the forums. I am hooked!
And Badseed, yes, we will have to keep in touch! If I overcome this spidermite problem I am having, I will have to send you some of the bleeding heart glorybower. It is white with a red teardrop. Very different. Not as pretty as the blue but it is striking closeup.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Pudgy! I meant to send plants the other way. :) I would have to look to see which Clerodendrons I have. I know I got three from one co-op. It is getting hard to keep track of what is where. I guess it is about time for me to start making lists. he he he

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I knew what you meant, I was just trying to give some of MY stuff away too! I tend to "collect" more then I have room for! LOL
DH gives me scary looks when he tries to get down the side to get his mower out...and some of the things that come out of his mouth, Shameful! Like an 11 inch path is not wide enough...what a whiner. hehehehe
If I did not know how I DID get these mites, I would be suspicious of him.... 8>P
I went out in the 100+ heat and checked my glorybower for any signs of buds & nope, not a one. Lucky you!
Oh well, if nothing else, it is teaching me patience.
taptaptaptaptaptaptap LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, I was gracious. I left a 22 inch path for the lawn mower. Of course I am the one that does the mowing! LOL Yeah things here have gotten a bit out of hand too. Eight banana that are not hardy, 200 and something brugs that are not hardy, about 40 elephant ears that are not hardy, clerodendrons, sky vines, tropical hibiscus, blah blah blah. lol Every year I start seeds and my hubby says "And who's yard are you planting those in?". LOL

Here is my first little flower. I haven't taken a pic the last few days.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Love the pic! And 22 inches is WAY too much. You have room for more plants. And I stand corrected. I am NOT a plant addict. You on the hand.... LOL
We have very similar gardens, glorybower, hibiscus, sky vine. I cannot get my dwarf pink banana seeds to sprout though. And as for the brugs, I did not have or plan to have any, until one day last november, I came home to a box on the porch from Larry (GW name daturapod). He was supposed to send me a few centrosema seeds & instead sent me someone elses brugs cuttings. All 19 of them. (poor person that he mixed me up with! Waiting for a box & gets an envelope)So my bedroom all winter was like a jungle. They did well but I kept having to listen to DH complain that he needed a safari guide. How testy, huh? He is just lucky I keep him around! LOL
I just crack myself up. He, on the other hand, is not amused. He is, at this very moment, giving me that steady stare...wonder what it means. LOL
If there is a secret to the nanner seeds, pass it on to me. I could use all the help I can get. The ebay gal I keep buying them from is starting to feel sorry for me. She even gave me extra last time. How embarassing, huh?
And PLEASE post another pic of that blue glorybower. I would love to see it in full bloom.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Has your DH come in and ask "are you on that gardening website, again..."? I find I have to sneak on the computer (you know-I just have to look up a plant really quick. The worst was when I forgot I was cooking dinner and my DH came in from work and ask what was burning. LOL, we went out to dinner that night.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Kathy_T,
Well, it could have been worse. He could have come home to you on the puter & the fire dept in the kitchen! LOL
My dh is either sitting right next to me on HIS puter, or parked in front of the tv. So he cannot really complain much. And I don't burn things as often as I leave the oven on. He comes in and snidely asks if I am gonna bake a cake. I have been hearing that for 24 years. You would think I would stop leaving the darn oven on or that he would get a new line! LOL
(Actually, I only leave the oven on so that he can say that to me. It makes him feel all superior & smug. I am doing him a favor!)Riiiight.

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)


Your posts are just too funny and they fit in here at DG reeelllyyy well. hehe Looks like we have another DG fanatic in our midst.

Kathy,...Yeah, I know the line too from DH. I just tell him it's like reading a good garden magazine only I'm learning more here than any magazine I subscribe to.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Donna,
your so kind! And yes, I love it here. I could hardly wait to get on here tonight & continue tiptoe-ing through the forums! Some posting have made me smile & some have brought tears to my eyes and a prayer to my lips. I really like it here & have been made to feel very welcome. Already made a friend in San Diego, frogsrus, who will be passing my way on a trip next month. She is going to try to stop by so I can load her car down with cuttings. LOL
Hope her hubby is the understanding sort... :>o

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Welcome from west MD here pudgy - gotta love the name. There is nothing better on the web than DG and it only gets better when you get to meet another member in person which you will soon be doing. Don't bother with the tiptoe-ing, just jump right in with both feet, that's pretty much what the rest of us have done! And there is nothing better than a refreshing sense of humor, thanks for coming our way!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hi Pudgy, it's so nice to have you with us here in the biggest garden in the world, and the friendliest! You're gonna be fun, well, you already are.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the welcome, Candee & Mary!
I love DG already.
I was able to use the CHAT for a bit tonight. That was fun. Met a few more people & I have to say, everyone is just the friendliest! So refreshing! I will try it again next tuesday & set aside a bit more time.
Thanks to everyone.

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