When to pick cantaloupe?

western Piedmont, NC(Zone 7a)

On a fluke, and with some leftover space in the garden, this spring I planted a few hills of cantaloupe seed.

What with the abundance of rain in western NC, I’ve been blessed with a dozen or so fine looking cantaloupes.

Several are 8” in diameter, so I’m asking, when do I harvest the rascals?

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

unlike watermelon cantaloupe will ripen off the vine. i try to go by smell. mine seem to fall off the vine when touched. also when most of the green is gone. depending how ripe you want them. if you have many i would pick them a little unripe so you don;t have to many over ripe at them same time.

Salem, OR(Zone 8a)

I planted seeds - and they amazed me! I sense the "color" for ripeness. Though somewhat small, the flavor is wonderful - way sweeter and more 'robust' than store-boughten, and a very 'bright' orange for canteloupe. The only seeds I purchased from Parks that I was impressed with, or would buy again. Not good results from their other vegetable seeds - except for their Blue Lake green beans - pole variety - absolutley wonderful.

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