Lazy day

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I've really been taking it easy today. Too tired and stiff to do otherwise. LOL I thought all last week that I would just sit and rest on Monday. Ha!Ha! I weeded & watered one large flower bed, then decided that since the Kennebec potato plants were all fallen over and dead looking I might as well lift them. There must have been at least 50#. I got all of them laid out on the garage floor on feed bags I had cut and opened up to lay on the floor. Then put a good fan on them. Then I made the mistake of looking in on the Red Pontiac potatoes. Most of them looked pretty dead so I lifted them as well. About 30# of them I guess. The garage floor looks so nice with all those poaatoes all over it. I finally came into the house about 9:30 or so last night, forced myself to take a bath before falling exhausted into bed.
Yesterday our one lone guinea who is a hen gave up sitting on her nest. Now that doesn't sound too interesting I know. But what she had beind her is very interesting. 4 little baby birds of some type. I say of some type because Mrs. G is the only guinea in the community that anyone knows of. The only male birds we have are a mixed breed bantum rooster and the male Peafowl, Moses. Moses seemed all spring to have accepted Mrs. G as a mate because Zippora,the peafowl hen we bought last year for him, wanted nothing to do with him and has now disappear-a couple months ago so we don't think she will coming back. Mrs. G has stayed somewhat close to Moses too but I certainly never thought they could/would mate and produce young. I called a man who has raised poultry for years and asked him about it. He said he has read of guinea fowl breeding with chickens(offspring are called Guinea chicks)so he supposed a guinea fowl/pea fowl mating was possible. These do seem to quite large for guineas. I have taken them away from their mother who doesn't act as tho she has a clue to motherhood even tho she is devoted to these 4 babies. They are also marked rather strangely. I have them in a cage with two baby bantum chicks the same age which will now all be raised by hand. The mother hen who has now lost her chicks is none too happy either. She is sitting on the house roof clucking and giving me dirty looks. Mrs. G is just outside the house calling frantically for her babies. The babies are all trying frantically and noisily to get to their respective mothers. And the guinea pig who is having to share her cage with the baby birds in a cage within her cage is pretty disgusted about the situation too. She is use to peace and quiet which no longer exists.
I need to run the vaccum sweeper but Jack has the TV on so I guess I'll just sweep with the broom. I also need to clean the filter on my bedroom air cleaner. I did get the dishes washed and put away and the dishwasher emptied and refilled so today hasn't been a total loss.
GOD bless each and all of you.

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