starting clematis seeds??

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

I put some clematis seeds 10 days ago in compost/clay soil mixture, watered, kept them in shade, not much heat, no frost or wind, NO NEWS. Are there any special songs I should try??

I increase my respect for wildflowers - they don't need anything from me at all.

Clematis can take up to three years to germinate...some need a double dormancy...I am trying to sprout clematis texensis. I planted them last fall and have hovered about them ever since...still no sprouts but for this one I will be patient. I have sprouted the sweet autumn clematis very quickly and easily, also the clematis drummondii. I think the clematis "Radar Love" is also easily sprouted...but for the rest, I think it's a long wait. Check out google for some clematis growing sites.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

thank you, Lantana

I scanned DG search engine and saw several comments on the same issue earlier this year.

There has to be a trick. I remember some time ago someone saying that they started a seed in orange juice - was it clematis??


I think that was passiflora (passion flower) seeds that they soaked in orange juice.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

I can only think of one fast method:
put carefully all clematis seeds to the bin,
and go and buy a clematis plant from the garden center.
BUT, they don't have what I want!

Rapid City, SD(Zone 5b)

Hi Dimitri - I have three types I tried (am still trying) this year, radar love - grew quickly from seed, sweet autumn - one sprout after two months - although it got too hot and croaked and one sprouted from virginia - its still hanging in there. It takes much patience.

One note - I have managed to kill two small clematis that I purchased from the greenhouse (didn't make it through our cold winters) - I finally have had success with Elsa Spath.

I love them tho - I keep trying :) The Radar Loves that I planted March 1st are about a foot long now.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

thenk you, RiseAnn.
It seems I am more impatient than needed. On the other hand, I would like to say that I just love easy-going flowers: Last year I paid for a small envelope with 20 ipomoea caerulea seeds. My wife (more impatient than me) spread them on the soil near the fence. I covered them up with soil using my shoes, for the fear of ants. We watered them for a week. They grew quickly, climbed the fence and gave us many splendid blue flowers - I collected an ocean of seeds. This year I planted 60, 58 sprouts came up, now they are 1' tall and climbing.
lematis i will have towait, but think I must start in Feb again, as I am quite sure they will not make it through the heat - I would try the fridge, but I only have one fridge, full of foodstuff.

Thank you for your advice. If and when you have seeds, remember me please. I have quite some cretan wildflower seeds now, will be getting many more as the summer advances.


Rapid City, SD(Zone 5b)


I LOVE to trade seeds :)

I enjoy the flowers that germinate and grow quickly as well. I like marigolds, zinnas, cosmos, snapdragons, convolvulus and on and on. I have been more adventurous this year because I traded for so many new and different varieties. I found the winter sowing method to be a pretty care free way to germinate the tougher varieties.

I will be looking to trade with you this fall!

I'm so glad to have found this thread! DMother has remarked this year that her clematis came up, but she planted it three years ago? I do not grow the same things she does, so know next to nothing about them!

Thanks for confirming her experience with 'excepted' facts. She'll feel much better about her experience but so sad as her Mothers Day gift was more clematis seed...

Thanks and Good Growing to Everyone


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